The thread could've just been called "Mubarak Steps Down" or "Egyptian Revolution Succeeds." It's actually already longer than it needs to be if you're going to snipe.
What if the people who died were your friends or relatives? Would that translate into the revolution being violent for you? Or is it just numbers to you? "My girlfriend died in the Egyptian Revolution, but it's okay cause she was one of '0.003%' of the population".
Amazes me how much people overlook things in context. Also, 300 people isn't even 0.003% of the world's population, let alone Egypt.
I didn'' say it was 'okay', if only '0.003%' died. I already find it terribel that people died. Also, 300/100000 = 0.003%. But there were a few hundredS of thousands of people, so the amount of people was less than 0.003%; that is what I said. And I know, I admit it- also to Arseface- there was violence. It's true, and the revolution wasn't completely peaceful. It's just that -apparently, from what has been said- in most revolutions it would be LOTS of violence, with the number of deaths being much higher. In comparance this is more 'non-violent'.
But yeah, I also agree that the thread could have been called something else, avoiding this completely useless discussion altogether. =|
-The number of deaths are far less then in most revolutions.
-The revolution wasn't completely non-violent.
-It would have been easier to call the thread something else.
-This discussion is useless and I myself should stop participating in it, right here.
-Hobbe can't jizz.