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Not Lookin' Good, Bro


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
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How can you stay christian if you know this?
That's just it, a lot of them don't know that and some don't wish to. They were brought up on faith, if they lose that then what else do they have? A lot of people can't handle that and they look to it for guidance in life, despite all the horrible things in it.

Hermit said:
How can you endorse a religion that is so barbaric?
Ask those who actually follow it, I don't endorse it. I feel anyone is free to believe and follow whatever the hell want to follow, that's just how I am. Doesn't mean I support it.

Hermit said:
It is far from a religion of peace, reason or love. We all know God is the madman in these stories he kills thousands if not millions, and condemns those who don't kill unbelievers.

We talking the Old Testament or the New Testament?

Hermit said:
The only difference between Christianity & Islam is that Muslims still worship their book in its entirety where as Christians ignore the bloody & vile passages and just talk about the love of Jesus, a sun god who didn't exist.

This is another thing that irked me earlier, again.. the generalizing. My mother is Christian, I'm not. She reads the bible everyday whenever she can to help her in life and to even brighten her spirits. Does she read the bad parts as well? Yes, she does. Would she ever go out and do any of that ****? No, absolutely not. She knows right from wrong, and realizes that the beliefs/teachings in the book are from an old time in history, she's not ignorant to it she just realizes none of that stuff would make much sense in this day and age.

It has its bad parts, but also good ones. Even though she follows said religion, she fully respects, understands, and is happy with me being agnostic, and that I too should respect other people's beliefs whether I dislike them or not. I was raised to believe whatever I want to believe, and I like that. Funny how Christianity hasn't brainwashed her into an ignorant hypocrite who is hostile.

Hermit said:
Exactly they just sit back on thrones of solid gold, holding staffs of pure gold.

He looks more like a king than a holy man.

Yeah. Funny, I don't remember the church in my area being a glamorous palace filled with corrupt fat men. Not all churches are the same, and not all are greed-filled and corrupt and refuse to help communities and aid to charities around the world.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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But how can she(your mother) go about putting her immortal soul in the hands of a being that has committed so much evil? The flood pretty much killed. every. single. being (not just humans!) except Noah and his soon-to-be inbreed family and zoo.

If I believed in the immortal soul, I'd rather have it gobbled up by Cthulhu than face everlasting afterlife as playthings for such an evil being.


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
But how can she(your mother) go about putting her immortal soul in the hands of a being that has committed so much evil? The flood pretty much killed. every. single. being (not just humans!) except Noah and his soon-to-be inbreed family and zoo.

If I believed in the immortal soul, I'd rather have it gobbled up by Cthulhu than face everlasting afterlife as playthings for such an evil being.

Dunno, she just does for her own reasons. So long as she doesn't attempt to repeat any horrible actions from the book in his name, then I don't have a problem with it.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
I always love how one non-deliberate, provocative statement about religion can turn into a heated religious debate.

Now then.

It's Sunday, Sunday, headin' to church on Sunday.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
My mind is conflicted.

On one hand we've got my reason, logic and intelligence.

On the other hand we've hot white jailbait ass.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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We talking the Old Testament or the New Testament?

That's one argument I detest, I'm arguing against the bible. The bible cannot be split.

Jesus himself said the old testament is canon and should be worshipped alongside him.

Yeah. Funny, I don't remember the church in my area being a glamorous palace filled with corrupt fat men. Not all churches are the same, and not all are greed-filled and corrupt and refuse to help communities and aid to charities around the world.

My problem lies with the catholic church, they are the evil personification and fundamentalists that I loathe and detest.

Any other sects of Christianity I just find absurd. Its been the catholic church who have put the majority of the world through ignorance by invading countries and forcing their beliefs on others, the branches of Christianity are condemned by the catholic church. In so anything the catholic church condemns you can bet is something more humane than they are.

But even if the small church is charitable. So what? An atheist can be charitable, and an atheist wont stand in the middle of a town or knock on your door telling you to accept their beliefs.

Christianity has become tamer in the fact its believers aren't as barbaric as the bible they do or don't read. But their beliefs and origins are still the greatest force of evil the world has ever known and I find it insane that people can call themselves Christian and not know anything about it.

You keep bringing up good people who call themselves Christian but I cant see any real reason for a good person to be christian other than ignorance, fear and tradition which was instated by armies, empires & the conquering of our ancestors via war. Why would a good person want to read about a god ordering murder, rape, genocide, and all the evils and fairy tales of a book written over 2000+ years ago. I've never seen a single good thing come from these religions that couldn't come from a person who isn't from the religion. If you want to be a good person follow a good philosophy not one of poison that makes the world fight itself.

I'm not trying to come across as hostile but I mean to mock these beliefs, if a good person wants to have the bible as their beliefs, how are they good? The bible is a book of hate, bigotry & war. If you want to read it fine read it! But don't call yourself Christian call yourself a student of mythology, or history.

These books belong in the recesses of fictional mythology alongside Zeus & Odin's Pantheons, and not in the hands of uneducated people who could think the world is flat and that the sun orbits us, or any other ludicrous notion as these.

Every christian I know is ignorant of their own beliefs and when I say "Thats against your religion" they laugh and say so what, if thats the case why bloody be that religion?!

The reason that there is so many different branches of Christianity is that being a 'good' christian could be anything from slaying nonbelievers and raping virgins to being a penniless pauper who gives everything to the poor, because the bible is so varied and hypocritical being christian according to the bible is an oxymoron.

That's just it, a lot of them don't know that and some don't wish to. They were brought up on faith, if they lose that then what else do they have.

Logic, they gain logic and reason and knowledge of the origin on a vile creed. But anyway I agree with you;

That's just it, a lot of them don't know that and some don't wish to.

I was atheist most my life but very unsure of it all until I learned about the origins of jesus and that he is a mixture of many old pagan sun gods, when I learned this I was no longer unsure I was secure in knowledge that..... its all bullshit.

Now I'm no longer atheist I'm a agnostic Pantheist and I find it painful to hear people talk such rubbish when I know these things. But if I tell them they ignore me, this is what religion is it makes people accept without reading the fine print.

And decline to discuss it rationally

I always love how one non-deliberate, provocative statement about religion can turn into a heated religious debate.
Normally I wouldn't enter a thread on religion but this is a one off.
I apologize greatly for my ranting, and I usually never enter a Religion debate but this was a one off I wont do it in future threads, as we all know....

debates on religion can't end because one side uses logic while the other side ignores logic.

lol can I have an Ouroboros gais?


Nap time is before pants time.
Aug 17, 2010
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Just sneaking a word in here on some earlier comments about Islam and its teachings...

True Islam does not teach a follower to be violent or racist or anything else negative like that. Those are simply stereotypes of the extreme versions of Islam, who happen to be the ones we read about in the news. Nobody makes a news story about the "good" ones because they are as uninteresting as "good" Christians and anything else. I know a few Muslims who are as cool and fun as I am ( :p), and blanket statements that only accurately represent a tiny percentage are just as ignorant as blindly following the religion itself.

In short, be as thorough and logical as you can be and avoid the bad blankets ;)

I'll just leave this here...



Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Islam does teach violence, but only aims it at non muslims.

I've read plenty of the Quran, don't hide behind 'its stereotypes' You sir are nothing but a civilized man, there is no extreme version of Islam, there is no extreme version of Christianity. There is only passages people choose to ignore or to embrace. And there is aplenty of hateful messages in the Bible and Quran.


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
People don't need religion. There is no good thing that only religion can bring to the world. All good in this world came from ourselves. Religion donates to charity, but people can also donate to chairy without religion. Some may argue that religion gives people comfort. What, an eternity in heaven to worship a murderer? 1) He doesn't deserve your worship. You wouldn't worship a raping serial killer because he donates all his wealth to charity. 2) An eternity is a long time. If I thought that was real, I'd be frikken' terrified of living forever. Forever. FOREVER.

The only use for religion is comfort, and that comfort is delusional.

Ah, it feels good not to apologize to people who may be offended. I really hate having to explain that I'm not trying to insult them.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not religious, though I am very spiritual and technically agnostic. I admire people who have faith and I cannot stand it when people feel they have the right to criticise someone's faith because they don't follow it themselves. I think it was Angel who said that religion and faith are different things - and that's because it's true. It's religion that causes people to fly planes in to buildings and faith is something that can bring a lot of people happiness and change their lives. That said, there's a lot bad things that can be associated with religion, but religion isn't the cause for all the world's evils.

My mother isn't strictly religious, but she does believe in God. She's open minded and in her mind her God loves her despite her mistakes, her open-minded views and views that contradict the Christian religion i.e evolution and the Big Bang Theory.

All that said, I have nothing against atheism. But when someone criticises someone's faith and becomes indignant is when I draw the line. For example: A friend of mine joined my brother at church one Sunday, and suddenly became enraged and threw a bible at the priest and stormed out. Of course he was off his head on drugs and suffering from untreated schizophrenia at the time. Those things considered - he was still wrong to simply go to the service merely with the intention to stage some one-manned protest.

Just adding my over-due, belated and perhaps unnecessary two-cents here, not looking for a debate.