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Official Doll Exchange

I have lots of Hammer dolls, and thanks to Contor Astar I have all of them except Garth. Would anyone be willing to trade a Garth for a Hammer?

GT = forteblast, feel free to message on Live
I have 3 dolls; Theresa, Hammer and Generic. So I need Lucian, Garth and Reaver.

Willing to trade gold, Theresa dolls or help people get an achievement like The Gargoyle since I already have 50/50 and am yet to claim the treasure, also willing to help for Fowl Player and trade the Chicken suit for all three.

Don't actualy have to trade me any dolls I just want the achievement so I could just join your game.

GT is xXx KRYPTIC xXx just friend request or message me. XD
I need a Hammer & Garth Doll to complete my set.
I've got 12x Lucien, 8x Hero, 2x Reaver, 1xTheresa for trade, will trade multiple dolls for either Hammer or Garth.

My GT: Protagonist81
msg me to arrange a meet
I have many reaver dolls for trades i need all of the dolls except for reaver, and garth. ''Deathfish99'' is my gamertag
Hello everyone. I posted earlier about needing the achievement. A grandmother from America just gave me the dollcatcher and the completionist.

If you go to Bowerstone Market she should be there :)
I have all dolls.

Willing to trade for any of the expansion full suits. (balverine, hobbe, hollowman, etc.)
Willing to compramise for something else of "unique" characteristics.
Also looking for the book that teaches you Feign Attack.
Could also use MS points, I really need to get the expansions so I can get all of the Gamerscore. >;]

Gamertag - iB AzeonFluxx
Hello, I have the Hero and Theresa doll, I desperatly need the rest, as my Xbox live expires in a few days time, and want to get this achievement before it expires.

my gamertag is : R34v3R SK1LLZ

add and message me please :D.

i'll pay big gold, and I have 4 rising suns.
Hi everyone! less than a week to fable 3!

I'm looking for someone to help me with my last 3 achievments! I need the dollcatcher, the perfect expression co-op, and the chicken suit kicking one. The chicken one seems not to work for me so if someone could lend me a chickensuit for a few minutes that would be awesome!

For the dollcatcher achiev, I have Theresa and Lucien! If its money you want, I have around 5 million gold.

My xbox live nick is fatboyx2
I've got Lucien and Hero dolls for trade. I do have one extra Theresa doll as well.
I need Reaver, Garth, and Hammer dolls.
Money is no issue, I have rare dyes, legendary weapons, 5 star exp and body modifier potions, and can help with quests, easy leveling and all that good stuff.

Message me on XBL and I'll get back to you the next time I'm online.
It'd be great if someone could help me out, I lent a copy of my game out to a friend and haven't got it back.

So, I bought Game of the Year edition but I still don't have that Dollcatcher achievement. Anybody out there? =p
Hey guys i was hoping to get some help with the dollcatcher achievement its the last one out of the 66 i need for fable 2
i need the garth hammer and hero doll
i have reaver dolls and 4 mil gold right now and some other stuff i can trade with you
it would be great if any one could help me with this my gamer tag is Noi 7ide just send me a friend request and a messeg and tell me what time works best for you

-the Tide
Hey guys i was hoping to get some help with the dollcatcher achievement its the last one out of the 66 i need for fable 2
i need the garth hammer and hero doll
i have reaver dolls and 4 mil gold right now and some other stuff i can trade with you
it would be great if any one could help me with this my gamer tag is Noi 7ide just send me a friend request and a messeg and tell me what time works best for you

-the Tide
Ive got a hero doll, offer me.
thank you to every one who responded to my post but i shortly was able to grab the last achievement for Fable 2
i would like to thank tic tic who allowed me to borrow the 3 dolls i needed to get the achievement

thanks again
-the Tide