it sure does. the mormons only take up about 20-30% (dont know the numbers for sure, but its something like this) of the total population but about 80-90% of the totall religious population. and they are a bit........ different, to say the least. I was raised mormon (not mormon now, quit about 3 years ago) so I have a good understanding of their belifes and they seem normal enough to me. but my experiences out of state as well as talking to people who moved here from other places all agree that they, and utah as a whole are different and weird compared to the rest of the US. I dont wanna start a religion debate so Im not gonna go on about them but they are everywhere around here. lets just say that if I were to go to the nearest grocery store I would pass 3 mormon churches along the way. and that is taking the most direct way from my house to a grocery store within walking distance. you litterally cant go anywhere without practicly tripping over them. edit: oh, and they also have a really annoying habit of controlling the state laws. its not enough for them to follow their own rules, the rest of us have to tag along aswell. take for example, alcohol, mormons dont dring alcohol at all but they have affected the laws enough that all alcohol in utah is weaker than the other states. for example if you buy a buwiser in utah and a budwiser in wyoming, the wyoming one will have budwisers normal alcohol level whereas the utah one will have a considerably lower alcohol percentage. so those of us that do drink (not me, Im underage so.... yeah) have to go out of state to get "the good beer".
so yeah, utah is crazy and I think we could just fence it off and turn it into the worlds largest asylem. just send all the worlds crazy people (not the dangerous ones though) over here and they will get along just fine.