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Rebooting the entire series...


New Member
Jul 13, 2011

I want to know, does anyone else agree with me that they should Reboot the entire Fable Franchise? I mean, personally the story has went somewhat downhill, and a lot of the actual magic and atmosphere of Fable has been sucked out of it in Fable 2 and 3.

Now, when I mean Reboot, I don't mean remake Fable 1, I mean start over again completely. Maybe take aspects of Fable 1, but don't copy it. Use influences from the newer games as well. Maybe make the world of Albion a more steam punk oriented style while still including magic, guns,bows, and bows. Make everything more fantasy instead of the current "Reality with a hint of fantasy" that Fable 3 reeks of.

Write a completely new story for the "Blood line" and the guild itself.

Take the good gameplay elements from all the games and put it into one (but I'm hoping that you don't get to be king/queen. It ruined Fable 3 for me for some reason).

What do you guys think? Continue the story, or reboot?
Kingdoms of amalur: reckoning is what fable 2 should have been; the whole game is about fate and the worlds is almost skyrim/oblivion size. Lots of ways to fight and the magic system is pretty much just like fable 1/tlc's
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I always hoped for a prequel into the old kingdom, but Peter Molyneux wanted 'to go forward'

Ironic really, he set the game back by going into an absurd steam-punk setting. I'm all for new settings but gimme knights, dragons, horses, D.I.Ds, and big baddie bosses like the kraken any day.

All in all I could **** a better game than Lionhead have ever made.
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Kingdoms of amalur: reckoning is what fable 2 should have been; the whole game is about fate and the worlds is almost skyrim/oblivion size. Lots of ways to fight and the magic system is pretty much just like fable 1/tlc's

I really enjoyed KoA: Reckoning as well, and people are perfectly right is comparing it to the Fable series, though I think they should stick more to Fable 1 than an open-world game, such as the Elder Scrolls series.

I'd say stick with those roots, improve upon what was already there. Maybe keep these "zones", but seamlessly connect them. Add more tiers to weapons, and knock up the difficulty or reduce the rate at which you gain those blasted orbs. I know one problem I've had with this franchise (among other things) was the ridiculously unbalanced skill system. By the middle of every game, you'd have every skill to their maximum level.

Anyway, I hope the new director realizes the mistakes that the company made with 2 & 3.
Wipe the slate clean and start from scratch, then compile the concepts that worked well (through feedback) and move forward with that while not being afraid to look at other clever RPGs and take inspiration from there. Fan Feedback, one of the most important things that a lot of developers tend to overlook.. If your fans are not satisfied and you continue to ignore them, then it becomes money lost and a fanbase lost. They could do with some community managers that take the time to speak with communities regularly (or even use Twitter like some devs do), get an idea and list of things people want (within practical reason of course) and relay it back to the rest of the developers. Has done pretty well for publisher/developer teams like THQ, Yukes, Bethesda, etc.

But considering Lionhead has shutdown their own forums, I fear that very community & developer interaction idea is long from being a reality now.

I'd rather not see a Fable 4 that ends up being nothing more than a Fable 3.5..
A reboot is a nice idea, but it's also an unrealistic, optimistic one. Lionhead will never do it. Ever.

The best we can hope for is that they stop sh*tting out games. Focus on what makes the game good, and get rid of the bad. The Fable series would be in a much better place if Lionhead actually listened to their fans.
A reboot is a nice idea, but it's also an unrealistic, optimistic one. Lionhead will never do it. Ever.

The best we can hope for is that they stop sh*tting out games. Focus on what makes the game good, and get rid of the bad. The Fable series would be in a much better place if Lionhead actually listened to their fans.

To be fair Lionhead have always listened to their fans, the Journey's horse, Black & White's Angel and devil, the TLC dragon, Fable TLC's being mayor, Fable 3's being King/queen, the dog and many many more where all ideas begged and hounded for on the Lionhead forums.

Peter Molynuex had an official profile and many other profiles which of some got banned, it says alot when the leader of the series masquerades as a troll and trashes his own game to see the reaction of the fans, and honestly from what I saw on Lionhead most fans joined in as did I. :P

As well as other producers on those forums, but they were quick to kick shut mouths and clamp shut the jaws of oblivion threads. I'd feel happier with the lack of fan base like they had for Project Ego but in keeping to a more mature spokesperson than Peter.
To be fair Lionhead have always listened to their fans, the Journey's horse, Black & White's Angel and devil, the TLC dragon, Fable TLC's being mayor, Fable 3's being King/queen, the dog and many many more where all ideas begged and hounded for on the Lionhead forums.

Then let me rephrase my statement: The Fable series would be in a much better place if Lionhead actually listened to their fans more.

The things you listed were certainly things I never asked for. Most of these things are small features, little things that hold little importance. Don't get me wrong I liked having a dog in Fable II, but a lot of people hated Fable II, including yourself. The ability to be King/Queen in Fable III fell flat on its head. We were promised control, we got none. As far as TLC goes, sure being Mayor and JOB morphing into a dragon was pretty cool, but having a dragon in a fantasy game is hardly fan-inspired innovation.

I need to rephrase my statement again: The Fable series would be in a much better place if Lionhead actually listened to their fans more and if they listened to the right things.
1. Scrap everything that came after TLC
2. Make better games
3. Find some clever way to involve the Knight and Queen of Blades
4. Make better games
Fish. I don't know what comes after 4


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Purple Nurple says: Abandon ship, childhood ruined! Move to Kingdoms of Amalur and pretend like the last 4 years of Fable never happened!
All in all I could s*** a better game than Lionhead have ever made.
That would be... Interesting...
Anyway, While I don't think a reboot is necessary, I do think they've fallen of the rails (See what I did there?).
I think they should start from scratch and do what Dead Rising 2 did with Off The Record, not the make a nearly identical game part, but the ignore the previous reality and create a better one section.
If that still didn't make sense... Eh... I really can't be bothered.
3. Find some clever way to involve the Knight and Queen of Blades
Those are characters that are made from pure speculation and Lionhead has never admitted that they have ever existed. I think Jack was awesome enough and to try to milk other crap out of him is just ridiculous. :|
I think they could do a sequel / reboot.
There's magic in Fable, also a tower of power and an immortal seer.
I don't see why Fable 4 can't be a direct sequel where you go backwards in time.
I think they really shot themselves in the foot with the steampunk thing and I really hope the next game doesn't heavily focus around that. I don't think there is any character in that at all. I loved Fable 2 and Fable 3 was atrocious but I agree that the atmosphere hasn't been the same sine the first game.