I prefer melee...there's nothing like spamming a sword around to your hearts content.
I've been doing melee (with some gunslinging thrown in) and I can not for the life of me enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, the finishing moves are pretty hilarious and bad-ass but it doesn't make up for how boring spamming the same button is. Then again... maybe it's just me... I've always been biased towards melee.
Yeah but I throw in some tasty rolly-pollies, a sprinkle of blocking, a little flourishing, some gun slinging, IF the moment takes me and throw that all together for some delicious melee soup.
I like soup.
...but something about wielding a mystical force and harnessing it to obliterate your enemies... that much power in my hands is just... it's amazing!
Have you ever heard of an electric toothbrush?
I have one. Why do you ask?
that much power in my hands is just... it's amazing!
I'm not following you. Is this some sort of crazy internet thing? Because I've never really been in the loop with the "memes" and such.
You're baffled? Then I am confused!
Anyways...Magic is nice. Melee is nice. Guns are nice.
I disagree. Magic is wonderful. Melee is boring. Guns are tedious.
I disagree. The electric toothbrush is wonderful. Melee is love. Guns are :wesuck:.
I still don't understand the "electric toothbrush" remark! Explain it to me! D:
that much power in my hands is just... it's amazing!
That much power in your hands...like the electric toothbrush. So powerful...so teeth cleanliness good.
It was a joke. Kapish....?