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So I saw the 3rd Lord of the Rings the other day


It's getting better, man!
Mar 16, 2010
The Internet.
Maybe I'm a little late, but I've finally managed to see every film in the LotR trilogy (although now I come to think of it, I might not have actually seen the second...) anyway, after watching it I have one huge question.

Why is Frodo such a little bitch?

I didn't think it would be possible to hate a fictional character, but holy f***ing **** I despise this pathetic dicksplash. I swear to God that the ONLY thing he does in the film is act like a little bitch in front of various spiders and orcs until his badass friend Samwise comes and saves him - after which he is carried up a mountain, DOESN'T EVEN DROP THE RING IN THE F***ING MOUNTAIN and is then carried back down again.

And what's more is that everyone greets him like he's some sort of hero! They all come into his room clapping whilst Frodo wears his "please punch me very hard in the face" expression. Why? What has he done to deserve this? If I was Sam I would have kicked him and Golem off the secret stairs and solved the whole problem myself. I was literally routing for Sauron at one point because I couldn't rationalise wanting this ****-monkey to win.

My question is; why? Is Frodo like this in the books too, and if not, why on Earth did Peter Jackson think it was a good idea to make Frodo a such snivelling little turd?
Sam was the true hero of the films, indeed.

One of my few complaints about the movies is how poorly they depict the relationship between The Ring and it's carrier. It is sorta hard to do because you can't do inner monologues and shizz in a movie as you can with a book.
Agreed, except I hated Sam just as much. I don't know, the main duo just didn't work for me. Merry and Pippin, however, those two rocked some boats.

It's like Tsuyu said. Frodo had to have great inner conflict, but it never showed. He rather seemed to have a stick up his arse the whole time.
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Agreed, except I hated Sam just as much.

The only thing I didn't like about Sam was how he continued to look past Frodo's bad ****ty attitude under the erroneous belief that he was a good person. If I was Sam I'd have gone "You know what, **** you" a while ago.

On the plus side, young Bilbo in The Hobbit is pure kickass.

Completely agree. It's pretty sad that he raised such a snivelling toad.
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I bet Sam could "simply walk into Mordor". I hold so much love for Sam, he's definitely my favourite character (along with Bilbo, who is, like Mr Gamgee, a complete badass). I reckon that Sam is actually Bilbo's real nephew and Frodo's parents somehow got thrown into the mix at the swapping-over-of-babies or whatever. It's the only real explanation.
I always thought it was just supposed to be the strain showing it's effects, also the ring corrupts so I guess Frodo being so difficult/bitchy could be a demonstration of that.
If something isn't shown in the right way, it can be misunderstood, and I think that since Frodo (in the films) was so poorly written, his internal struggle against the Ring was hard to see. His burden looked more like weakness, his frailty from bearing the Ring, and thus not being much use in a fight, came off as fear/cowardice rather than righteous suffering.
i think the problem is that they tried to show Frodo was conflicted by making him a bitch, because they can't show what's going on inside his mind. you learn a lot more about just how hard it is to carry the ring and not give in to temptation in the books, but in the movie he just looks constipated all the time. this is no excuse however, as a movie should be able to explain itself without having to read what is in the books.
The reason he was a "little bitch" is because of the manipulative and draining nature of the ring. He actually coped remarkably well considering, it started to corrupt Sam after him wearing it for like 5 minutes but Frodo managed to carry it from the Shire all the way across the continent. On foot.

I think the movies could have done a much better job portraying the burden of the ring, though.
Yeah Frodo was supposed to be all struggling against the temptation of the ring. Thats why he's treated as a hero, even though he nearly got everyone killed and the world destroyed, because everyone knew how hard his inner struggle was.

Also wtf man I know you're like 12 or something but why has it taken you this long to get into LotR?

The books are way better innit.
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I know it says that Frodo was the one that had to carry it because he was able to resist its power better than anyone else but Gandalf seemed to know what he was doing why didn't he just do it?
I know it says that Frodo was the one that had to carry it because he was able to resist its power better than anyone else but Gandalf seemed to know what he was doing why didn't he just do it?

Because Gandalf knew that he also wouldn't be able to resist them temptation of the ring. In that scene where he's first telling Frodo about the ring, he yells at Frodo not to temp him.
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