[There is some spoilers in this post. Just figured I'd warn someone that wanted to try to avoid them ^^; ]
I read on the Lionhead forums that Lady Grey is in fact back in Fable III. I guess she's just hard to find...? :/ ( I didn't continue reading that thread because I wanted to find her on my own in that case)
But I agree with the dog thing. Seeing the dog get shot in Fable 2 was terrible, and I loved my puppy to death after that scene... which was why I picked the family option at the end of the game.. But Fable 3, even though I enjoyed having the dog on my travels, I just didn't feel connected with it. I liked the scene with Walter talking to the puppy in Aurora that once, because I at least felt the dog was actually there then..and not just something thrown in that NPCs didn't really notice/care about. But I would love more things involving the dog, like quests and such.
Also, Reaver~ <3 I want more of Reaver. Going on a quest or multiple quests with him would be awesome. Though even more awesome, would be the option to marry him. Or at least, have the option of some romance with him. And also, the chance to kill or spare him would be awesome too
And Elliot (or Elise.. was that her name?) would be awesome to have some more tiny quests or something with if you left them alive. I mean, what Lionhead did give us, regarding them, was nice... But then they just feel like a random villager afterwards, which was rather depressing. I'd love just some little quests for them.
Judgments, of course. As Queen of Albion, I want to make decisions. While they lasted, doing those decisions was completely awesome. But it went by way, way, way too fast, and then afterwards, there was pretty much nothing to do but walk around with a pretty crown on. I want to feel like I have some power. I want to be able to right some wrongs of the choices I made to protect my people. Anything like this would be greatly appreciated.
Something with Aurora. It was a very nice place, and there's nearly nothing to do with it. In fact, as Queen, I'd like to go over to Aurora, and help them expand and become a stronger land. Something other than just donating money to them. Of course, I want to be able to donate money to them. Because I need to do something with the money I'm gathering after the end of the game... But I need something more than just spending my treasury. Killing monsters to clear the way for towns, getting an input on what goes where.. things like that.
I want some more story on the Crawler and the whole thing with it. Actually, I'm kind of hoping that it really isn't dead, because that was just far too easy to kill. So some DLC with it would be awesome.
Knowing what happened to Garth and Hammer would also be completely awesome. Although I didn't like them much, it seems unfair to know what became of Reaver, and be completely clueless about the other two heroes.
And I definitely want there to be more with the Spire, and even Brightwood tower, since you can see both of them in the third game. To be able to see them but not do anything with them is driving me absolutely crazy D:
I want Bloodstone back... Like, a lot. I loved that place. Oh, and Oakvale. Even if it's just the ruins, or building a new Oakvale...

Even just one of those two places would be awesome.
The Temple of Light.
Killing Theresa.... Please?