Re: Super Speed?
Ok, I've been looking into this for a bit now and I've found some interesting things...
FE at
2519 - MAIN_HERO_STATS->>new window opens (
HERO_STATS scroll down to
B953BAA1- unknown (and I have new XML defs.)
-now here's the deal...if you look above
[ 33B4ED2- Spells + Attribute Levels; 815F0792 - HealthPerLevel; 2691AA17 - ManaPerLevel ] and below
[ 516E13B - StealthPerLevel ] these are all associated with the Heros' upgrade stats and abilities, you can change the levels available by altering, adding or even deleting, but within each there are initially 8 slots one for his start stat and 7 for upgrade, or 7 for upgrade and 8th for final stats level :wacko:
depends I haven't checked too thoroughly...
now back to
B953BAA1- the numbers are on descending (float) integers in each cell from
1.2 -
0.4, which
should ( again I haven't modded this yet) correspond to speed, just change each cells' integer to what you want on a descending scale. (*note- I belive the top speed is 0.2, unless you edit this.)
EDIT- I have now changed the stat in question and there are some diferences in action/speed but I can't tell if he's movin' any faster, would someone else test this to check. Thanks.
ALSO-I have found that by editing potions you can increase the speed of you hero as well.
Oldboy said:
-Yeah, that's what the adrenaline potion originally was ment to do (and still does, only it's not in the game by default).
Yeah, I used that [ Adrenaline Potion ] as a base and instead of AttackSpeedIncrease (ASI) at 1.4, I set the Super Health Potion ASI to 2.2 with AttackSpeedIncreaseTime at 0 instead of 30.