personally i think a factory would be a good aspect. Imagine, its just like owning a farm or something, you can own your own bussiness, and have a purity/ corruption thing to it at the same time. If your good, you will have workers old enough, and good pay, and not having too many hours. If your corrupt, you have harsh working conditions, and child labour. I read up on my socials textbook, and victorian age was after industrial revolution. Becuase the industrial revoluton was from 1680s, through the 1700s. Also if you own a factory you could choose the fashions of albion. I think that would be awesome. Maybe you could even add grappling hooks to the game, for assasins quests. Like lets say you task is to kill someone int heir sleep. You grapple up to their bedroom, climb up, and smother them with a pillow. Pretty sweet eh?