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Teeth Reveiw

Relinquished Reality

Mutilation for Cats!
Feb 4, 2010
processing... PROCESSING!!!
erm.. So there is this movie called teeth, kay. Well.. Me and some friends decided to watch this movie, because it sounded ridiculous...
The film was about a woman who was born with a toothed... vagina.
And after some time she comes to the realization how shes not normal and she used this to her advantage and she starts getting revenge on guys by having sex with them and having her toothed **** bite their dicks off. and the movie gets to show us that. and it is pretty bad. I would reccomend not watching this.

It did its job of making me scared, but I dont want to give it a good rating. the acting was bad and it produced some very awkward situations to say the least. scary, but awful so therefore it will only receive my rating of:

I give it a small mouthful of Doots.
Is the mouthful thing a pun? Teeth? Mouth... heheheh.

The concept of this film really speaks to me. But oh well. Maybe I'll convince one of my friends to buy it on DVD so I can mooch off them and waste no money.
Say the trailer, laughed, never watched it. Thought about it, probably will this weekend, watched the Human Centipede last month, great film despite it's reputation.
Back door anyone? Anyway I wanna see this Movie looks stupid and a little bit freaky, any who this is twice you've misspelt review now RR, I hate to be a moaning grammar Nazi but you look quite daft with it.

But I'm enjoying your reviews never the less.
Back door anyone? Anyway I wanna see this Movie looks stupid and a little bit freaky, any who this is twice you've misspelt review now RR, I hate to be a moaning grammar Nazi but you look quite daft with it.

But I'm enjoying your reviews never the less.

i am the worst speller in the world, just remember that, lol. Thats one thing i didnt learn from school. and having dyslexia doesnt really help.
I don't understand what people see in films such as these. The last thing I would want to do is sit for 2 hours watching guys getting their dicks ripped off by some bitch with a toothed vagina, disgusting.
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I think the toothed vagina is a metaphor for the nature of today's society. The teeth represent the businesses and corporations of the world, whilst the penises represent the consumer base. The girl represents the government, whilst the vagina itself represents goods and services.

Think about it.
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It did its job of making me scared, but I dont want to give it a good rating. the acting was bad and it produced some very awkward situations to say the least.
1. a review is a critical analasys. this is your opinion, and therefore not a review.
2. teeth is a comedy. it was aired at a horror movie festival but was awarded for comedy.
3. it was filmed near where i lived. i saw one of the sets while they were filming.
4. if you're so put off by its edgy comedy, then maybe you shouldn't watch it. it's not for you. same reason i can't appreciate zombieland, i hate woody harrelson and i feel like they only cast jesse eisenberg because michael cera was too busy making a better movie. to put it shortly, i'm biased and therefore not capable of reviewing it.
Cheez, you can't objectively analyse a movie. At least not in a way that makes it a useful tool.

Everyone has a bias. It's just a matter of to what degree they're biased.
Say the trailer, laughed, never watched it. Thought about it, probably will this weekend, watched the Human Centipede last month, great film despite it's reputation.
I remember when that one did the rounds at school on everyone's free government laptops. I only saw a picture and read a synopsis but even someone bringing it up is off-putting. What did you enjoy about it?
I remember when that one did the rounds at school on everyone's free government laptops. I only saw a picture and read a synopsis but even someone bringing it up is off-putting. What did you enjoy about it?

Several things, the picture quality and scenes were beautiful for a independent film, I think the man who played the Doctor has a bright career ahead of him, he reminded me of a Udo Kier/Christopher Walken, plus he looks cool as hell in the film. The concept is nasty, but they do not graphically portray it (As opposed to the sequel which is supposed to) and I also give them a high five for doing something not only original, but something that defies standards, look at Saw (Not the ****ty sequels, just the first few) it came out in a similar way as Human Centipede, except with less poop and more torture.
Cheez, you can't objectively analyse a movie. At least not in a way that makes it a useful tool.

Everyone has a bias. It's just a matter of to what degree they're biased.

oh, really?

Dictionary.com said:

 [ri-vyoo] Show IPA
a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation.
the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts.
an exercise designed or intended for study of this kind.
a general survey of something, esp. in words; a report or account of something.
an inspection or examination by viewing, esp. a formal inspection of any military or naval force, parade, or the like.
a periodical publication containing articles on current events or affairs, books, art, etc.: a literary review.
a judicial reexamination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.
a second or repeated view of something.
a viewing of the past; contemplation or consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.
Bridge. a recapitulation of the bids made by all players.
Theater. revue.

so then by your logic a review is inherently impossible?
yes, being objective is impossible. but a review at least attempts to be objective. this does not.

an opinionated review is useless because everyone likes different things. a review can tell you black and white how good the various elements were and whether they came together as intended.
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Possibly a more accurate term would be criticism or critique?
I consider myself a critic, so when I review something that is subjective, I call it a critique, however a review is fully capable of being opinionated, and in fact it has to, it is extremely hard to hing an objective review on anything.