erm.. So there is this movie called teeth, kay. Well.. Me and some friends decided to watch this movie, because it sounded ridiculous...
The film was about a woman who was born with a toothed... vagina.
And after some time she comes to the realization how shes not normal and she used this to her advantage and she starts getting revenge on guys by having sex with them and having her toothed **** bite their dicks off. and the movie gets to show us that. and it is pretty bad. I would reccomend not watching this.
It did its job of making me scared, but I dont want to give it a good rating. the acting was bad and it produced some very awkward situations to say the least. scary, but awful so therefore it will only receive my rating of:
The film was about a woman who was born with a toothed... vagina.
And after some time she comes to the realization how shes not normal and she used this to her advantage and she starts getting revenge on guys by having sex with them and having her toothed **** bite their dicks off. and the movie gets to show us that. and it is pretty bad. I would reccomend not watching this.
It did its job of making me scared, but I dont want to give it a good rating. the acting was bad and it produced some very awkward situations to say the least. scary, but awful so therefore it will only receive my rating of:
I give it a small mouthful of Doots.