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Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies



Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

First off: I am not sure whether someone has already made a thread similar to this. If so, I will remove this one without complaint.

Okay, this is essentially an alternative to chest spawning. Frankly, I don't like dealing with chests all over the place, and I actually don't like Freeroam (This is just a personal opinion). I like to keep things a bit tidy. This little method will allow you to modify shopkeepers, allowing you to determine which items are available for sale.

Through this method, you can thus make even hidden items (For example, the other wizard hats/repeating crossbows) for sale as well.

First off, you WILL need Fable Explorer. If you don't, please go and download it. Won't be hard to find. And make sure you make backups of your game files, such as the "game.bin" file, which is just plain common sense.

Got it? Good. Now we'll go into Fable Explorer. Once it's finished loading up, go into the "game.bin" file and look for the "CShopDef" group in the listings. Open it up.

Confusing, isn't it? What makes it worse is that it's a bit hard to tell which shopkeep is which. To find out which shopkeeper is which, look for the "ShopKeeperCreatureID" under each individual CShopDef listing.

A note: It's best to IGNORE most of the shopkeeps who have a "NULLDEF" in their "ShopKeeperCreatureID" section. Some of them appear to be the traders found randomly wandering the roads of Albion, while others seem to be Innkeepers.

Here's a list of known Shopkeeps I've identified so far and are actually IN the game (Listed by default ID number in the game.bin file as listed in Fable Explorer):

9304: The Hero Title Vendor at the WitchWood Arena
9319: The Shopkeep inside the WitchWood Arena
9360: The Tailor at Bowerstone South (The Slums)
9364: The Female Barber at Bowerstone South (The Slums)
9392: The Shopkeep at Bowerstone North
9411: The Blacksmith at Bowerstone South (The Slums)
9420: The General Items Shopkeep inside the entrance to Bowerstone South (The Slums)
9446: The Hero Title Vendor Outside the Guild of Heroes
9467: The Guild of Heroes Shop (This one may cause problems. It has 61 items, which Fable Explorer cannot fit all of in the window)
9502: The General Items Shopkeep at Hook Coast
9507: The Blacksmith at Hook Coast
9535: The General Items Shopkeep at Knothole Glade
9537: The Tattooist at Knothole Glade
9539: The Blacksmith at Knothole Glade
9570: The Blacksmith at Oakvale
9575: The General Items Shopkeep at Oakvale
9609: The Charity Worker at Snowspire Village
9614: The Blacksmith at Snowspire Village
9619: The Tailor at Snowspire Village
9630: The General Items Merchant at Snowspire Village
9632: The Tattooist at Snowspire Village

Okay, let's get this started. First off, you WILL need to know the ID number of the item you wish the shopkeeper to sell. If you don't, go look in the "OBJECT" section of the list in the "game.bin" file. I'm quite sure you'll find it there if it exists in the game.

Also, for the sake of keeping this simple, I recommend that you make sure the item you are adding into the shopkeeper's inventory is something that fits into the category of item he/she normally sells. So for example, it's not a good idea to try and make the Hero Title vendors sell weapons/armor.

Anyway, once you know the ID numbers of your items, pick out a vendor that corresponds to the category and is easy to reach. So, for this tutorial, I'm going to take CShopDef entry 9411, the Blacksmith at Bowerstone South.

Open 9411, and open the section titled "CShopDefArrayList1". This displays the items that are being sold by the shopkeeper.

For this example, we're going to use "The Harvester", the legendary repeater crossbow (And an item not normally available in Fable). The Harvester's default ID number is 5543.

Okay, first, click the "add" button all the way at the top of the list. Your new entry will appear at the bottom of the list. Next, make the (uint)CShopDefArray1 value match that of the CShopDefArrayList1 value.

Now, begin filling out the blanks. I suggest you take a look at the other items in the list as examples. In this case, replace the zeroes in the slots of your new entry on the CShopDefArray1List with these values:

(uint)Type: 229123851

(int)ItemForSell: 5543 (This is the Harvester)

(uint)09ABA703: 61319945

(uint)1305FC7A: 2063336723

(float)Type Sale/Wanted: 1 (This is important! This makes the item sellable and buyable at this shop!)

(uint)B891FD34: 889033144

(float)Amount In Stock: 1 (This determines how many, in this case, The Harvester, are available to buy. Unless you want multiple Harvesters available, keep this at 1)

(uint)5BC39C66: 1721549659

(uint)Days Until Restocked: 0 (This determines when the next shipment of the particular item will appear. In this case, I kept it at 0 in keeping with the fact that the Harvester is a unique, Legendary weapon)

(uint)850E6DDC: 3698134661

(uint)0DEC639E: 2657348621

(float)unknown: 0.09 (I am not quite sure what this number does. I just followed by example from other items on this particular shop list and did the best I could improvise/guess at)

(uint)A0C7F544: 1156958112

All right! Done. Now, this is important as well:

Be sure to click the "Apply Changes" button, or all your work will be for nothing!

Now, save mods and run Fable. Load your game, run over to Alvin the Blacksmith in Bowerstone South, and... SUCCESS! The Harvester is available in his shop!

If you want to change the price of the Harvester (Or any other item for that matter), simply go to the CStockItemDef in the "OBJECT" list, and modify the "ObjectValue" entry to the desired price. The actual price in-game will vary somewhat according to the supply/demand flow of the economy in-game, as well as your Hero's Guile level.

Hope this helps the community! :3

P.S.: I'm still learning how to mod. If you notice any errors/mistakes, please tell me. :p


New Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

If you want the item to be really cheap, you should give the trader 200 of the item. If you press Buy all, then Sell all, you can even make a lot of profit..

Just a tip.

EDIT: This doesn't work with weapons, sice you can have only one of each weapon.. But If you would do it with, let's say, diamonds :D (thats: 4441)


Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

Assasin15;151463 said:
If you want the item to be really cheap, you should give the trader 200 of the item. If you press Buy all, then Sell all, you can even make a lot of profit..

Just a tip.

Yes, I know that trick. I'm just focusing on showing a simple way to modify shopkeepers. But thank you nonetheless.


Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

Hello! I followed your guide to the letter-T and I have to say it was wonderfully well-written and easy to understand; however, I was unable to add various items shopkeepers around Bowerstone. You see, I wanted to add the Solus Greatsword to the blacksmith, Crunchy Chicks and Tofu to the General store vendor and Bright/Dark Wizard Hats to the tailor, but when I loaded up my save and visited these areas, they were not there.

I could really use some help, so if you could maybe clear it up for me, please? :D


Mar 9, 2007
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Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

That's the problem with editing shops: If you already have been to a shop, you can't change it's content anymore. This is somehow stored in the savegames. Also; not all objects work in every shop.


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
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Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

OldBoy;152536 said:
That's the problem with editing shops: If you already have been to a shop, you can't change it's content anymore. This is somehow stored in the savegames. Also; not all objects work in every shop.
Like how if you open a chest, then later delete it from the map it'll still appear in the world. :D


Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

I know this is a very old post but I think you should sticky it! :)


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

I thought it was worth the super-necro to point out that if you mod the wandering mechants item stock, that you can sidestep the issue of not being able to mod shops you've already visited.

-A passing lurker


Metal Connoisseur
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Teyr's Little Shopkeeper Modification Primer For Dummies

You're better off using the Customisable Shopkeeper mod. It's more effective.