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The "I Hate Fable: The Journey" Thread


Look at me still talking when theres science to do
Dec 28, 2006
Reading through this section of the forums (which I haven't actually bothered to visit until now) is like reading the same thing over and over again: People aren't impressed with the Fable Franchise's new direction. That's cool, I kinda agree, but the sea of duplicate content has been what's keeping me out of this section, and it kind of goes against the unwritten forum practice of searching before you post a new thread to see if anyone has made a similar thread.

So I've decided to make this thread for all you members who want to express your views, thoughts, opinions and ideas about the next game to come under the Fable umbrella, and share your unbridled hatred, bitter anger and passing annoyance with the rest of the community. So please, if you've come to this section just to share an essay on why you think Fable: The Journey will be ****e, please post it here instead of making a new thread. The future of the universe depends on it!
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I hate fable the yourny
the better make fable 4 first -_-

btw I am disepointet in the turtle
I think we have something in common, you hate The Journey and I hate your spelling!

Now don't get me wrong, this thread could be useful if there was anything to discuss besides how much people hate TJ, but he fact that we've been left in the dark by Lionhead isn't helping. I mean, its been like six months since we last heard ANYTHING from this game.
About the game: I don't like the way it was done, but lets see Lionhead as what it is, a division of Microsoft Studios. It was only logical that this would happen, just like Halo Kinect and Gears of War Kinect will happen.
gers of war kinect could be fun that you just use your conroler and you can say maruc cover fire!!!!
snd you wil get covver fire but you just move and shoot whit your controller

Ok.. Then how would the gears "veterans" play then? Wall bouncing? Strafing? I doubt you could go "Marcus, enter MLG pro sweat mode!"
The fact I have to spend $100-150 on a peripheral just to be able to play the game automatically turns me off. Is it too much to ask that Lionhead get their act together after this nonsense is over with?
If this happens, I will film myself ripping off my genitals.
Ok.. Then how would the gears "veterans" play then? Wall bouncing? Strafing? I doubt you could go "Marcus, enter MLG pro sweat mode!"
It'll probably be turned into a FPS, like our lovely Journey here. And it will happen, I'm sorry for your balls.
gers of war kinect could be fun that you just use your conroler and you can say maruc cover fire!!!!
snd you wil get covver fire but you just move and shoot whit your controller
yea i nkow rit?
The fact I have to spend $100-150 on a peripheral just to be able to play the game automatically turns me off. Is it too much to ask that Lionhead get their act together after this nonsense is over with?
Yep. I think if their next games don't sell ery well Microsoft will go al Rare on them.
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As long as Gears of Kinect reveals why the hell the Locust Queen was a human female I'd be happy.

WHY!? WHY?!?!?! I WANNA KNOW!!!!!111112223

Not that I'd play it, mind you, I'd just go all Wikipedia on the game's arse and read the plot.
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My problem is: I like Fable. <<--- TLC to be exact. I dislike the direction they're going in very much. Fable had an allure to it, that was unlike any game I've ever played. It had a Magical Appeal. I played it for HOURS on end, and even still today like to load up my save and run around. I LIKED my bow and Arrows, I LIKED the swords and combat, I LIKED the land and having to explore places. I DISLIKE big towns and industrial settings. that's not what I want in my fantasy game, I want Knights, not progression. >:C What they need to do, and STILL need to do is finish the first damn game, with all their new technology it really can't be that hard, and if they don't I will. I still plan on adding new areas, and adding treasure chest containing mods, and things they left out of the game. >.> Lionhead needs to wake up and stop being under the hypno spell of Peter M. And his crazy dreams of unrealistic proportions. Because even after all their innovations, I still haven't gotten my boat or damn horse and buggy. >:C
I don't think any of you haters realize how much pressure was put on all of the xbox exclusive game studios when kinect was released. Microsoft wanted to have a good repertoire of games from recognized developers and notable franchises. The fable franchise was likely chosen over other franchises because of how it is a very simple game when it comes to combat. I'm sure there is more to it than that though; Fable may appeal to certain demographics that were being targeted in advertising by Microsoft. I highly doubt Lionhead is very excited to be working on kinect games either, if a game isn't wanted by fans it most likely isn't wanted by those who are working on it.....
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Haters, Meh, if only the gallery still existed and you could see the thousands of pictures I posted there, and you'd realize I'm not a hater, I just think they've been progressively failing with each new game that comes out. and I do realize how much pressure they had, every game company has pressure to release they're games.
I don't have any problem with the Fable series of games.
I don't have any problem with this new addition they are adding in.
I don't have any intention of purchasing this new addition before a deadly solar flare.
I don't have any hate towards Lionhead, Molyneux or Microsoft.
I don't have anything else to say on the matter.
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I don't think any of you haters realize how much pressure was put on all of the xbox exclusive game studios when kinect was released. Microsoft wanted to have a good repertoire of games from recognized developers and notable franchises. The fable franchise was likely chosen over other franchises because of how it is a very simple game when it comes to combat. I'm sure there is more to it than that though; Fable may appeal to certain demographics that were being targeted in advertising by Microsoft. I highly doubt Lionhead is very excited to be working on kinect games either, if a game isn't wanted by fans it most likely isn't wanted by those who are working on it.....

Ya Know i never realy thought of that... huh... lets all hope for a fable 4 eh?