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The Last Archon


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2009
The Last Archon

Its the long awaited sequel to The Archon,Arken and Me.

I have wanted to put pics of what I think the main characters look like and I will do so now


The Hero




Black(Couldn't think of a first name so I used her surname)

Chapter 1

I crept through the house, looking for any danger. I was so close to my objective and I wasn't going to be stopped. I made my way through the corridor and stopped. I drew my sword and cut a wire that was placed before my feet. They weren't going to get me that easily. I moved forward, still alert and aware of my surroundings. I then tripped over a second wire that was behind the first wire. I fell to the floor and the sound echoed around the house as my armour crashed into the ground. Then several figure lept onto me and pinned me down. The leader came over to me, smiled and said,"I knew we would catch you uncle!" I sighed as the children poked me and sat on me. Then the maid entered the house and said,"The cake is ready outside". The children slid off me and ran outside.

I picked myself up and made my way to the heroes guild. It was currently under construction, but Nostro was already teaching children that excelled in either strength, skill or will. My "Niece",Black was one of them, but had skipped classes to go to a friends birthday party. I tried to catch her and take her to the guild, but she had got the better of me and there was no convincing her now. At this rate there was no way she would take over as Archon when she was 18. Nostro saw me and came over to me."Its good to see you", he said, grinning."Hows it going with black". My dissappointed face couldn't be seen through my helmet and so I said,"Not very well. She seems to want to spend more time with her friends then in class. I don't know maybe we are asking too much of her. What do you think nostro?"

He didn't have time to answer that, because we heard screams coming over from the nearby village. It was one of the archons brothers. And he had come with force. I drew my sword and headed towards the village.

Plz post what you think about this. For some reason obody is posting what they think in the fan fic forum anymore and I really want to here your opinion.
Re: The Last Archon

Thanks. I don't have time right now to make chapter 2 but I will.
Re: The Last Archon

Chapter 2

Villagers ran around, trying to find their children and friends, but were blinded by the black smoke. Heavy armoured figures rode into the village square, carrying obsidian greatswords. I drew my platinum longsword and charged at the raiders. I ducked as one of the greatswords came at me and I retaliated by jabbing its wielders side. The raider dropped his sword and fell off his horse, clutching his ribs in pain. I finished him by forcing my sword into his torso, and he became lifeless.

The leader of the raiders, his face masked, lept off his horse and gestured at me, seeming to want a duel. I faced him and we began. I drew first blood, quickly swinging my sword at his arm. He winced at blood oozed out of the wound. He then swung back at me, his sword almost knocking my weapon out of my hand as I blocked his attack.

He then swung again, leaving his right arm exposed. I swung my sword up, and cut off his arm. The leader looked at his new stump in shock and then looked at me as I attacked, beheading him. His body slumped to the ground and his head rolled towards my feet. I took the mask off. It was mortimers brother, Jacoppo. He was made earl of the eastern lands when mortimer stole the throne. He abused his power and raided villages reguarly.

I dropped the head, and left to find black. I found her with her friends hiding in a bedroom in the tavern. It was a small village but once a royal mage appeared, it would be transformed into massive city. But that didn't matter as now Jaccopo was dead, mortimer would hunt him down, meaning he couldn't train black if they were hiding. They would have to escape. And he knew somebody who would help them.
Re: The Last Archon

I think, it is just perfect. I could read it for hours. The first picture link reminds me of someont, but I cannot think of who...
Re: The Last Archon

(I cannot write anymore at the moment as the letter format is stuck in greek alphabet.)
The northern winds blew against me and black. I kept her under my cape as we made our way to the meeting point. She wasn't happy about leaving her friends, but it was for her own safety. After another few hours, we reached the meeting point and I gathered wood for a fire and we waited. Out of the blizzard came a figure, adorned in gold mail and tattered blue robes. As he came towards us, I said,"Greetings scythe. I assume you are accepting to train black."

Scythe said nothing and examined black. His expression was usually serious and possibly angry, but it softened as he saw the girl. He then turned to me and said,"I will train. She will stay with me for a month and if she does well, we will continue. Now come with me girl, we have much to do. I will see you later, N."
(See I told You So)