Re: The next TES game?
Mate before they do that they're making Rogue Warrior not sure what it is
Mate before they do that they're making Rogue Warrior not sure what it is
Colton;259131 said:I don't think they should have all one area, WAY WAY WAY too much to do, and besides, if you solve everything everywhere, then you can't really sequel the game without the question "hey, wtf, I already took care of this place!...that place too!!AND that place!!"
Colton;259131 said:what i've beaten 100%
TESadventures:redguard (awesome game, play it.)
what i'm playing
TES: Oblivion.
The Dunmer upset me for how they treated me on Vvardenfell.(where TES:Morrowind takes place)The Dunmer treated me like crap because I was an outsider, and they had slaves.Anyone who owns slaves should die.As such, I played an Argonian and killed all the slave keepers, and freed the slaves =D.
The Redguard Intrigue me because their ancient homeworld of Yokuda (where they derive the name of "Yokudan" for their race) sank into the sea, and they docked upon a place called Hammerfell wich was heavily populated by Orsimer (Orcs) and the redguards drove the Superhumanly strong and hardy Orsimer out of Hammerfell raid after raid, ensuring it was okay for their king to Dock without fear of assassination.By defeating nearly an entire nation of Orsimer with such a small force in comparison, they solidified their place as the best warriors in Tamriel.