Arseface;79044 said:I got Shivering Isles (PC) the other day and I managed to install it correctly and everything, BUT I get giant yellow exclamation signs in just random places (mostly places where I have stepped but sometimes somewhere else) and the longer I play the more appear. Also I am using like 20 modswhich is probably the problem, but I love them sooo much. I read on the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod page faq that there is a problem VERY similar to mine that makes the signs instead of NPCs, but mine just appear anywhere, and I have tried running Oblivion without OOO and it didn't help. Also I have a weird sky...
It seems to have been a problem only since I installed PJ's Spell Compendium mod but I have tried running it without that as well. I have also reinstalled it several times.
I will keep trying to figure it out though.
EDIT: Nevermind I just had to uninstall and then delete the directory, including all my modsOh well, at least I can play the game...
FableFreak;81724 said:Where the fark is the Garden of Dareloth? I need to find it because I failed the first Thieves Guild Quest, and I need to talk to that one guy to see if I can get back in...
FableFreak;81760 said:Okay, that worked. But now I need to find the damn sword he wants me to steal. I'm following the waypoints but it just brings me to this place with a stone overhang. There are no doors, ladders, or basements. What do I do???
FableFreak;81772 said:"May the best thief win"
FableFreak;81781 said:Oh, okay. I've broken into that store before. Thanks for the help!
Angel;82009 said:Thanks to Matt (he's good for something after all, besides sitting on our sofa, cursing and talking about who's face he smashed in last night) I now know how to respawn hundreds of small but expensive items to sell on for a tidy sum...but I'm guessing you all know about these sorts of glitches, so shan't bore you with the details...I'm happy though
Don't like Umbra though...she's mean...
Back on topic...have you done the Seeking Your Roots quest? I've got to find about 20 more Nirnroot and am struggling to find more. I've nicked loads from the houses in Pell's Gate and around the water's edge...but it's proving quite tricky now.
Also, the folorn watchman thingy - you don't get to open the chest, do you? the one on the map the dead guy gives you?
Angel;82018 said:It's the Forlorn Watchman who is linked to the shipwreck over at the Panther Mouth or whatever it's have to release his skeleton and kill the ghost of the traitor who murdered him. In return, he gives you a treasure map and underwater you'll find a treasure chest but you never seem to open it or get any treasure...or even have it added to your inventory...I'm wondering if I screwed up somehow...
Dark Drakan;81776 said:Make sure you have brought some lock picks first Christophe sells them for 5 gold each
Bribe a beggar to tell you about Rohssan and they will tell you that they run the armory (A Fighting Chance) on the east side of the market. The sword is in the chest in Rohssans upstairs quarters and you will have to pick some locks and deal with a guard dog but thats all.
Vegeta;82151 said:I just followed the girl and got it before she did...
Im stuck on a dif 1 though..