Its nice to see Rick Grimes and the gang back in action, I loved the first season. The only bad thing about this is that I have freeview and I have to wait for channel five to screen it.
That's what I'm psyched about. As well as Chuck and, well, Psych.Fringe
Season 2 comes to the UK on the 21st of October. I just spend ages searching the tv for its listing tonight....
Went to Tumblr and it said we get it later this month at the 21st.
Frakkin' AWESOME premire last night! I'm sorry, but after 90 minutes of that, I don't think I can go back to just watching an hour-long show...However, at least this season is going to be, what, 13 episodes? As opposed to the original 6? Yeah- sweeeet. Rockzorz. Makes me want to read the comic. ^_^
But hey, at least I get to be bombarded with what those Kardashian sluts are up to 24 f***ing hours of every day of the f***ing week!
Ooo, I had already forgotten the date of the premiere. I know what I'll be watching tonight.
Are you serious? Those two knuckleheads are actually popular over there?
Apparently. And they are just the tip of the iceberg. One of the most popular shows is "Swedish Hollywood Wives". It is about dumbass bimbos who are married to rich American idiots, such as Anna and Paul Anka. Apparently it is really interesting to watch them being rich, spoiled and incredibly stupid.