The Witch Hunter
(Ok this is a short story to see if anybody would like to read a series set inbetween fable and Fable 2 I am going to write. Post your comments)
I looked at the small camp in darkwood. It had once been full of people. But they had been found guilty of being will users. And for that they had to die. Such was the law of the Avonian Inquisition. It had been two hundred years since the defeat of Jack of Blades and the fall of the corrupt heroes guild. Since then the people of albion had grown a mistrust, nay, a hate of will users. The temple of avo had created the Inquisition to "Protect" the people. That was why the campsite was now in smouldering ruins. I saw a figure move. I slowly walked over to it and saw it was a survivor. It was impossible to tell what age he was because of the burns he had suffered but he was able to move quite well. I pulled out my flintlock pistol and shot him. He fell to the floor, blood trickling out of his mouth. I kept a straight face and walked away. I saw another figure. He was floating in the air. I recognised him as Reginald Cotter, a upstart necromancer. He lightning spewed from his fingers and I swung my staff around, a old kingdom artifact used by Inquisitors(or witch hunters as we came to be known) to stop will spells. The staff worked and lightning bolts dissolved in mid air when they touched. Seeing the power I had, the necromancer fled. Most would have stood their ground and died, but this one didn't have the pride that most other necromancers and will users have. I ran through the forest, branches scratching my jacket. I eventually caught up with him and saw where he was heading for. A demon door! He said a spell and it slowly split and the two sides opened. He ran through it and I managed to leap through the ungodly portal. I saw a perfect world. A nice house, a garden with exotic flowers, overall a perfect world and it made me sick. He had abused his powers to make a haven for himself. He ran into his hous and I followed him, knocking some cutlery over. I swear a heard a shout upstairs. Reginald ran sprinted through the back garden and into a cave. I ran after him, not caring what he may have down there. I met a solid fist as soon as I entered the cave. I looked up, my nose bloody, at a clay suit of armour. And behind it there were more. I looked to Reginald, the young mage grinning.
"Do you like my Knights aberrants, Inquisitor Cortez?" He said smugly. For moment I was surprised as not many people knew last name. I realised I was letting myself get distracted and charged at him. A clay hand grabbed me by the throat. I choked as the rock knight strangle me. The Necromancer laughed with malicious intent.
"It seems a 'weak spell flinging mage' has beaten you, witch hunter". I raised my flintlock pistol, having reloaded it earlier but the clay knight grabbed my hand. I feared that my life was over until a hand exploded from Reginalds chest. His smile dropped and he slumped to the ground. The knight dropped me and I scanned the cavern until I saw what I had came for. The legendary Perferator rifle, with 8 barrels, unseen in albion. I picked it up and threw it back in the chest that Reginald had dug up to find it and closed it. I took a final look at the knights before I left the cave. They gave me a hard cold stare that made me feel uncomfortable. If anybody looked at these long enough they would surely go mad. I left the cave and saw a person in the front garden. I crept closer until I saw it was pregnant woman. He was looking at the demon door portal and shouting," Reginald, Reginald where are you". I felt a sudden feeling of guilt as I realised this woman was Reginalds wife. This was who the necromancer had made the haven for. And now she was a widow and her unborn child was without a father. She went back into the house with tears in her eyes. I walked to the portal wondering if stopping Reginald was worth the guilt. Of course at the Old age of 224 I am now I look back on that and realise that he would've kileld people with his knights and the peferator. But I still carry that guilt with me and I have much more guilt I have suffered in my quest to seal the Legendary weapons away from the world until a hero arose.
Ok The story of Inquisitor Cortez will continue if you like it.
(Ok this is a short story to see if anybody would like to read a series set inbetween fable and Fable 2 I am going to write. Post your comments)
I looked at the small camp in darkwood. It had once been full of people. But they had been found guilty of being will users. And for that they had to die. Such was the law of the Avonian Inquisition. It had been two hundred years since the defeat of Jack of Blades and the fall of the corrupt heroes guild. Since then the people of albion had grown a mistrust, nay, a hate of will users. The temple of avo had created the Inquisition to "Protect" the people. That was why the campsite was now in smouldering ruins. I saw a figure move. I slowly walked over to it and saw it was a survivor. It was impossible to tell what age he was because of the burns he had suffered but he was able to move quite well. I pulled out my flintlock pistol and shot him. He fell to the floor, blood trickling out of his mouth. I kept a straight face and walked away. I saw another figure. He was floating in the air. I recognised him as Reginald Cotter, a upstart necromancer. He lightning spewed from his fingers and I swung my staff around, a old kingdom artifact used by Inquisitors(or witch hunters as we came to be known) to stop will spells. The staff worked and lightning bolts dissolved in mid air when they touched. Seeing the power I had, the necromancer fled. Most would have stood their ground and died, but this one didn't have the pride that most other necromancers and will users have. I ran through the forest, branches scratching my jacket. I eventually caught up with him and saw where he was heading for. A demon door! He said a spell and it slowly split and the two sides opened. He ran through it and I managed to leap through the ungodly portal. I saw a perfect world. A nice house, a garden with exotic flowers, overall a perfect world and it made me sick. He had abused his powers to make a haven for himself. He ran into his hous and I followed him, knocking some cutlery over. I swear a heard a shout upstairs. Reginald ran sprinted through the back garden and into a cave. I ran after him, not caring what he may have down there. I met a solid fist as soon as I entered the cave. I looked up, my nose bloody, at a clay suit of armour. And behind it there were more. I looked to Reginald, the young mage grinning.
"Do you like my Knights aberrants, Inquisitor Cortez?" He said smugly. For moment I was surprised as not many people knew last name. I realised I was letting myself get distracted and charged at him. A clay hand grabbed me by the throat. I choked as the rock knight strangle me. The Necromancer laughed with malicious intent.
"It seems a 'weak spell flinging mage' has beaten you, witch hunter". I raised my flintlock pistol, having reloaded it earlier but the clay knight grabbed my hand. I feared that my life was over until a hand exploded from Reginalds chest. His smile dropped and he slumped to the ground. The knight dropped me and I scanned the cavern until I saw what I had came for. The legendary Perferator rifle, with 8 barrels, unseen in albion. I picked it up and threw it back in the chest that Reginald had dug up to find it and closed it. I took a final look at the knights before I left the cave. They gave me a hard cold stare that made me feel uncomfortable. If anybody looked at these long enough they would surely go mad. I left the cave and saw a person in the front garden. I crept closer until I saw it was pregnant woman. He was looking at the demon door portal and shouting," Reginald, Reginald where are you". I felt a sudden feeling of guilt as I realised this woman was Reginalds wife. This was who the necromancer had made the haven for. And now she was a widow and her unborn child was without a father. She went back into the house with tears in her eyes. I walked to the portal wondering if stopping Reginald was worth the guilt. Of course at the Old age of 224 I am now I look back on that and realise that he would've kileld people with his knights and the peferator. But I still carry that guilt with me and I have much more guilt I have suffered in my quest to seal the Legendary weapons away from the world until a hero arose.
Ok The story of Inquisitor Cortez will continue if you like it.