Apparently the bus station in my area has been trashed, once again how does destroying a public transport service station (used by normal people as a necessary means of living their daily lives) demonstrate an act of protest against the government? If anything they're giving themselves more disadvantage by making bus travel impossible, they're sh*ting on their own doorsteps basically.
Can't believe some people try to make excuses for people who think the rest of us owe them a living and express this by destroying other peoples opportunities/services,**heads.
I noticed how some of the scumbags who were arrested tried to put it down to racism, oh yeah sure haha! :lol: Nothing to do with the fact that you bricked someones window through and made off with their T.V. Half the police these days are black/minority, so how can they be racist. They're being arrested for their behavior not their color, but their persecution complex makes them try to use it as a get out of jail free card.