I am also aware that this is a new thread, but I'd like to know why Arseface hates all the music I like.
I am also aware that this is a new thread, but I'd like to know why Arseface hates all the music I like.
I have a more sophisticated taste than you Hobbe.
No, you just like trolling my music.
I have a low opinion of those who feel their views and preferences are superior to those of others. Arse: people have their own individual tastes; that Hobbe listens to music you find juvenile or unrefined doesn't mean that he's juvenile or unrefined, but it does mean that you're not as open minded as you ask others to be when sharing your own tastes in music. Something to think about.
His mustache, I can't... Resist. I must not...Haha, nah man I'm just trolling him. I always try to be open minded when talking about stuff like this.
Now, you may all tease me for my inferior, juvenile and unclassy taste in music, go ahead.