Sucked: My phone keeps turning itself off. I really hope this isn't marking the beginning of the end for my trusty Samsung D600 *sobs*
Rocked: Coke and chocolate
Sucked: Checking out Jessica's search history and finding some...interesting...things despite controls being in place. Two month ban from the intarwebz now in force, long discussion regarding what is and isn't suitable for children to look up and Steve's special brand of parental controls being placed on the laptop for when she's allowed back on it. And because I'm not soft, all parents of kids she sees regularly have been asked not to allow her internet time without supervision at their houses until further notice.
Good thing she used Google as they have a pretty solid filter. I did a quick Googling of "man with big willy" and this was one of the top results:
You gotta praise her ambitions though. She didn't just google "man with willy" but "man with big willy". Atta girl! It is kinda scary though. When I was a wee 'un "porn" was finding a good photo of a underwear model in one of mother's fashion magazines. Nowadays it is just a few keyboard clicks away. I might be liberal-minded on a lot of things, but nine years-olds should not dive into the cesspool that is porn on the internet...