Re: Whodunnit?
Suddenly the earth begins to shake and the sky darkens; a whirlwind of black energy and firey embers surrounds the shack and rips the roof clean off. Everyone begins to look around the room to see what was going on - their eyes fall upon Paul who is gurgling a foamy substance from his mouth with his body shaking while it slowly begins to rise from the floor.
"Great Odin's Beard!!" shouts Arrav, "The man's possessed!" At his revelation he begins attempting to cut Paul down with his chainsaw arm, while the other heroes shoot projectiles with their various weapons. (Except ScareCrow, who stood there awkwardly)
Suddenly a booming low voice emerged from the limp body of Paul. The sclera in his eyes were now an intense black..
"Possessed?!" he murmured, "Not quite..!"
Paul burst into flames and the entire crowd of heroes fell to the floor in knocked out. When they awoke they discovered they were in an entirely different location, with marble floors and the scent of flowers in the air: it is the Lobby to a Spa. Paul emerged from one of the doors down a corridor.
"Oh my gosh you sleepy heads have finally woken up!" he squealed "I've been keeping a super surprise from you all along - I'm the Devil! This is my true appearance"
The Whodunnit Contestants, still in a daze are not really sure what Paul was talking about; he looked exactly as he did before. As they continued to examine Paul, it became clear that the only
real difference in his appearance were his even rosier cheeks and that there were now sharper points on the tips of his balding head of hair.
"So anyways, I'm the new Game Master! Arrav decided to have a...
Paul takes a sip of an Apple Martini which appeared in his left hand.
"Now I brought you all here for a reason - along with the killing and everything, I thought we could all relax a little!"
"Oh and I've decided to give all of the fallen a second life just this once!"
Paul snaps his fingers and Joe McBob appears, albeit still skinned alive but unable to really feel pain.