Why do Storylines Suck in Games Nowadays?
People see a game, and think "Awesome! I want it!"
So they buy it, play it, then realize "This Storyline Sucks!"
They get on their computer, write a bad review because the game sucks at making a good Storyline.
This seems to happen to a lot of games. I mean I've played a few games where there was a good story, but not all.
I have come to realize that games with bad story always seem to have a skip feature so you do not have to watch cutscenes, (hint hint) a big part of the story. But I only have one game where you can't skip scenes (Assassin's Creed). IT actually has a nice story to it, good flowing meaning etc.
So do games only have bad storyline because players skip through them and never really feel the story?
What are your thoughts.
People see a game, and think "Awesome! I want it!"
So they buy it, play it, then realize "This Storyline Sucks!"
They get on their computer, write a bad review because the game sucks at making a good Storyline.
This seems to happen to a lot of games. I mean I've played a few games where there was a good story, but not all.
I have come to realize that games with bad story always seem to have a skip feature so you do not have to watch cutscenes, (hint hint) a big part of the story. But I only have one game where you can't skip scenes (Assassin's Creed). IT actually has a nice story to it, good flowing meaning etc.
So do games only have bad storyline because players skip through them and never really feel the story?
What are your thoughts.