haha! thats always a good solution to a glitch. i'll have to try it, Thanks!and about jasper, mine was just random i had beat the game and had already unlocked about all of the quests, didnt do anything new. Just was runnin around and went to go fast travel somewhere and noticed after a few times he hadnt said anything even when i clicked on him to interact or ask a question... but prior to this he wouldnt shut up about new stuff being in the shop even though it was the same damn things.
yeah, for sure. Im kinda scared to play it cause of all the posts ive read about peoples games being corrupted or getting stuck in places and cant get out. Ive fallin through the map a few times but ive been able to pause and fast travel somewhere. Really dont wanna lose 40+ hours of gameplay.
I'm 100 percent good, everyone's rent is free and all the shop prices are set to low. I've never killed a person, and I've kept up with the houses. Still 9/10 people hate me, and the others are neutral. What did I do that made people hate me...? I'm confused.