Re: Women cant rape men - dont read if you're not mature enough to hear about it.
Urahara;277287 said:
I know this is very random, but I heard that women cant rape men because
- They're generally weaker than men.
- Apparently if a man gets an erection it means they are consenting to sex.
So men cant be raped by women?
![Er... what? O.o O.o](
I'm not sexist, but that sounds stupid. What d'you think?
This is a very interesting subject to me and I think more people should think about it. Too often men who are the subject of sexual assualt/abuse do not speak out because of the embarrassment, shame and stigma - moreso because "guys enjoy it anyway".
As has been pointed out, any stimuli can result in erection and with many sexual attack victims, male and female, there has been shame associated with their body reacting to the act yet their mind being repulsed by it and, unable to marry the two reactions together, thus begins the secret shame, as it is often called.
Whether or not a man has an erection or whether he ejaculates during the act, if the person has not consented or has asked for it to stop then it is rape - pure and simple. No amount of smudging the lines is going to change that fact. Women being raped can orgasm, secrete lubricants and their body can respond just the same way as it would through consensual sex - but that doesn't mean that they "enjoyed" it or wanted it. It means that their biological functions are operating normally and are not easily controlled.
More often than not a rape victim, male or female, will "disappear" inside their minds whilst the act is continuing in order to preserve themselves from immediate shock. It also acts as a way of safeguarding the body against serious injury during violation - often misjudged as a form of consent. The more you thrash about, the worse it is - sounds harsh, but it's true. Unfortunately, the idea that someone just "takes it" is often seen as a strong indicator that they don't really mind, at the very least, or are consenting to it, at the very most.
Rape is a form of control through sexual dominance and violence - granted, women raping men may be rarer (insofar as statistics can show us - if it ain't reported, who'll know for sure?) but it happens and ought to carry the same penalty as other forms of rape. The psychological damage of any sexual assault is far-reaching and cannot be fully quantified as each person is different but that is often the worst part of rape as the physical outcomes may heal in time but the mind can revisit the event at any given moment in perfect detail and with absolute clarity.