Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Lionheart77;232091 said:
That's correct. For instance, people who didn't pass their last year of School/High School/College/Uni because of WoW, don't you think it's... nothing they could do about it?
I don't believe there is nothing they could have done- one would hope that most people would have the common sense to acknowledge and tackle a problem with their grades/lifestyle as early as possible instead of letting them slide for long enough to fail an entire year, I suppose thats easier said than done in some cases, some may simply refuse or not want to acknowledge problems because they find it easier to spend their time in a virtual world where these problems don't exist and can be easily pushed to the back of their mind. There's always that element of escapism and immersion there which is the big factor in addiction.
Basically what it comes to, in my view is- if you're addicted to something, or have quit, you cannot continue to blame the substance/game because your denying your own responsibility and part in that addiction. Yes its an absorbing game, too absorbing at times but both the game and the persons personality both play factors in the situation. I don't blame cigarettes for me being addicted to smoking, sure they have addictive properties physically but it was my choice to smoke to the point of addiction and not do anything about it.
Heres that link btw, rather amusing:
@Baverinebard- Yeah Illidan was full blown good way back when but he became corrupted through jealously, love and a seemingly unquenchable thirst to be better than his brother if I recall. He dabbled with the Burning Legion and surely that was why he trying to take down Arthas in W3 and because he failed he was going to face the wrath of Kil'jaeden I believe, which is why he fled to Outland. At least I think thats about right, correct me if I am wrong on that tbh ><
I don't really see it as a case of- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. It was unfeasible that Arthas would just sit in Northrend, sooner or later he was bound to have another shot at domination. The stories of fallen heroes always get me really intrigued and Arthas is a prime example of that, corrupted in his quest to save the people he cared about so much and ending up wanting to wipe them off the face of the planet. I cant wait for the book coming out next year and it will be a shame to kill him, but all good things must come to an end unfortunately.
:'( Hold me