Ok so me and the missus just got a new 360, remembered how great and fun Fable 2 was so decided to buy it along with some others. This morning I thought I would read through some old forums, this one looked great

Until I got to the end and realised..
This specific forum name should be changed:
You know you "still" play too much fable II..
You know, and everyone else knows you need to get a life..
When you are still thinking of ideas to answer in forums that stopped 4 years ago!!
I may not see response because I have now thoroughly read this forum, but come on guys. See it as a favour I took 2 minutes from my life to make a profile (I didn't want) so as to warn you that you will never get a girlfriend still religiously playing this or any other game of its age.. And still answering forums only 4 of you are checking.
Get with the times people!