My friend's game is bugged in that after planting the ring for Brynjolf, he went to the Red Flagon to continue the Thieves Guild questline, but somewhere along the way after donning his Thief Armour he decided to return to the marketplace and peddle his fake wonder item to distract the vendors. Not only is it impossible to continue the questline, but Brynjolf has all the Riften merchants enthralled by his words 24/7 so that you can't trade with them. Day and night he tells them to "Gather around!". And so they do, hypnotized by him. Its like some freaky cult gathering. So great is his dedication that not even twenty arrows to his groin will keep him from preaching about said wonder item.
Not really GOTY material with crap like that going on.
Not really GOTY material with crap like that going on.