Your own personal Body Guard
A lot of Helpful threads being made about how to mod, since I already had an explanation I thought I'd make a thread about it. :ninja:
FIRST: Open Fable Explorer and find what Creature you want. Under the Creature's list.
SECOND: Open Albion Explorer and pick a map you would like your body guard to be on. I'll be using Lookout point. Click World Editor. and a map should come up.
THIRD: Right click on the Lookout point cross hairs. and click WIZARD
FOURTH: a new little box should pop up. Paste the code (CREATURE_RIVAL_HERO_THUNDER) into Definition type. NOTE: the section you are putting it in. (game flow)
Click ok.
FIFTH: Find the section you put the body guard in (Game flow) Click the cross hairs until you find it (It's placed automatically in the top right corner of the map) Once you find it, click and move the body guard to a suitable place.
SIXTH: Click apply text changes if needed, Close the map. SAVE CHANGES when prompted. And tada insta body guard.
Once you fool around with it more, it's pretty easy to understand.
the WIZARD can be used to make wives's, Houses, teleport points, & Treasure chests
I know Albion Knight may have already explained this somewhere. But I like the screen shots I have. :ninja:
A lot of Helpful threads being made about how to mod, since I already had an explanation I thought I'd make a thread about it. :ninja:
FIRST: Open Fable Explorer and find what Creature you want. Under the Creature's list.
SECOND: Open Albion Explorer and pick a map you would like your body guard to be on. I'll be using Lookout point. Click World Editor. and a map should come up.
THIRD: Right click on the Lookout point cross hairs. and click WIZARD
FOURTH: a new little box should pop up. Paste the code (CREATURE_RIVAL_HERO_THUNDER) into Definition type. NOTE: the section you are putting it in. (game flow)
Click ok.
FIFTH: Find the section you put the body guard in (Game flow) Click the cross hairs until you find it (It's placed automatically in the top right corner of the map) Once you find it, click and move the body guard to a suitable place.
SIXTH: Click apply text changes if needed, Close the map. SAVE CHANGES when prompted. And tada insta body guard.
Once you fool around with it more, it's pretty easy to understand.
the WIZARD can be used to make wives's, Houses, teleport points, & Treasure chests
I know Albion Knight may have already explained this somewhere. But I like the screen shots I have. :ninja: