You're at a party and the power is out... what to do what to do....
Random person: Xeon, how can you go clubbing if there's no power?
Xeon: Oh random person.. there is many ways one can go clubbing in the middle of the night without power, one of them involves a baseball bat, a car and an unfortunate stranger. However, this is not one of them. This one involves two vans, candles and a ****load of fuel!
I've never expirienced something this weird, and to keep the party going people donated money to the van guy.
Random person: Doesn't it start to smell in such a crowded room?
Xeon: Yes it does, yes it does, it smells like a barn.... But the upside to it is that you're slowly suffocating due to the lack of oxygen and therefor don't notice the smell...
But it was awesome fun
Random person: Xeon, how can you go clubbing if there's no power?
Xeon: Oh random person.. there is many ways one can go clubbing in the middle of the night without power, one of them involves a baseball bat, a car and an unfortunate stranger. However, this is not one of them. This one involves two vans, candles and a ****load of fuel!
I've never expirienced something this weird, and to keep the party going people donated money to the van guy.
Random person: Doesn't it start to smell in such a crowded room?
Xeon: Yes it does, yes it does, it smells like a barn.... But the upside to it is that you're slowly suffocating due to the lack of oxygen and therefor don't notice the smell...
But it was awesome fun