****Quotes from Others****
"Yes Michael, I have a rape horn!" Arrested Development
"Look Charlie, it's a Leopluradon..." Charlie and the Unicorns (First Vid)
"This sh** tastes like crap..." Friend on trying new food
"All I know how to say are things like good, and ball, ...and rape." Hand Banana
****Quotes from me****
"Upon the lofty clouds, dancing in their midst...
Feeling free and energized with life and the love found within it...
How swiftly it may come, unexpectedly upon the tip of a baited arrow...
Clutching thy heart in both hands with shallow breath upon my lips...
The Fall from Grace" -PhilistineEars
"Suspicion... Suspicion is like a disease that plagues the mind and the heart.
There's nothing more deleterious to the truth and trust than suspicion or skepticism.
Indeed you become pervaded by it and, once in place, a very difficult thing to rid one's self.
It makes the heart grow weary and the mind psychotic.
'Tis a deadly poison... suspicion." -PhilistineEars