I love kids and I'm good with them, especially my niece. I couldn't love her anymore unless she was my own child. But she's nearly 4 and she's starting to have those typical aggravating traits that most kids have. She's smart mouthed and talks back. And she's only 4 for Christ's sake! Anyway, babies and toddlers are alright - after that point is when I back into a corner and rock back and forth. I remember babysitting a 6 month old baby, a two year old(my niece) and 6 year old a couple years ago. The baby and the toddler were child's play... I'm hilarious, yes, yes, no applause needed - anyway - the 6 year old on the other hand... *shudder* It wasn't that he was necessarily badly behaved, but he was overly lively and loud and he sought most of my attention. Not to mention when ever he did do something wrong he would run over and hug me. And it felt like someone had thrown a bowling ball into my chest each time.