Don't get me wrong - I love my mummy. <3 She's a great woman and I wouldn't have her any other way. But as most parents do she has... little quirks, you might say, that bug the absolute hell out of me. Some more than the rest. She smokes and she treats our cat like an actual child. Herp de derp.
A pretty common thing with most people's parents is trying too hard to be cool, but my mum is a special case. She is cool. She's what you might call a hippy, although she's become more conservative as she's gotten older. She still tries to dress fashionably and thankfully most of what she wears is within her age range. But her friends are not within her age range. Most of them are a good decade or less younger than she is. She acts as their mother hen, their agony aunt as you will. And although she looks young enough to fit in with them - she shouldn't follow them in terms of their behaviour. Put it this way, seeing your mother drunk is never fun. That's my job, mother.
She'll be the first to point out if my top is see-through or if I'm showing too much cleavage, in a room full of people. She draws attention to this and that's what bugs me. I'm a modest person and I'm not a fan of unwanted attention of any kind. Of course she finds it all very hilarious.
I'm a frugal person, my mother is not. Shopping with her is a nightmare. It amazes me that there's a 25 year age difference between us and I am the more responsible one. With money atleast. She typically will always buy the more expensive option because she believes that Tesco Finest bacon is far better than Tesco Value bacon. It's not that different, the only thing that's different is the £1 price difference and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE
tl;dr: My mum smells.
Now it's your turn. What about your parents/parent/legal guardian annoy you? And I'm not just talking about them making you go to bed before 9pm, kiddos. So reply. "But Queeeeeeen." Now. "In a minute!" I said now, mister.
A pretty common thing with most people's parents is trying too hard to be cool, but my mum is a special case. She is cool. She's what you might call a hippy, although she's become more conservative as she's gotten older. She still tries to dress fashionably and thankfully most of what she wears is within her age range. But her friends are not within her age range. Most of them are a good decade or less younger than she is. She acts as their mother hen, their agony aunt as you will. And although she looks young enough to fit in with them - she shouldn't follow them in terms of their behaviour. Put it this way, seeing your mother drunk is never fun. That's my job, mother.
She'll be the first to point out if my top is see-through or if I'm showing too much cleavage, in a room full of people. She draws attention to this and that's what bugs me. I'm a modest person and I'm not a fan of unwanted attention of any kind. Of course she finds it all very hilarious.
I'm a frugal person, my mother is not. Shopping with her is a nightmare. It amazes me that there's a 25 year age difference between us and I am the more responsible one. With money atleast. She typically will always buy the more expensive option because she believes that Tesco Finest bacon is far better than Tesco Value bacon. It's not that different, the only thing that's different is the £1 price difference and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE
tl;dr: My mum smells.
Now it's your turn. What about your parents/parent/legal guardian annoy you? And I'm not just talking about them making you go to bed before 9pm, kiddos. So reply. "But Queeeeeeen." Now. "In a minute!" I said now, mister.