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Annoying things your parents do.


Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Don't get me wrong - I love my mummy. <3 She's a great woman and I wouldn't have her any other way. But as most parents do she has... little quirks, you might say, that bug the absolute hell out of me. Some more than the rest. She smokes and she treats our cat like an actual child. Herp de derp.

A pretty common thing with most people's parents is trying too hard to be cool, but my mum is a special case. She is cool. She's what you might call a hippy, although she's become more conservative as she's gotten older. She still tries to dress fashionably and thankfully most of what she wears is within her age range. But her friends are not within her age range. Most of them are a good decade or less younger than she is. She acts as their mother hen, their agony aunt as you will. And although she looks young enough to fit in with them - she shouldn't follow them in terms of their behaviour. Put it this way, seeing your mother drunk is never fun. That's my job, mother.

She'll be the first to point out if my top is see-through or if I'm showing too much cleavage, in a room full of people. She draws attention to this and that's what bugs me. I'm a modest person and I'm not a fan of unwanted attention of any kind. Of course she finds it all very hilarious.

I'm a frugal person, my mother is not. Shopping with her is a nightmare. It amazes me that there's a 25 year age difference between us and I am the more responsible one. With money atleast. She typically will always buy the more expensive option because she believes that Tesco Finest bacon is far better than Tesco Value bacon. It's not that different, the only thing that's different is the £1 price difference and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE


tl;dr: My mum smells.

Now it's your turn. What about your parents/parent/legal guardian annoy you? And I'm not just talking about them making you go to bed before 9pm, kiddos. So reply. "But Queeeeeeen." Now. "In a minute!" I said now, mister.
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Whenever I visit my parents, my father gets an absolute kick out of telling me to go get something for him.. problem is, soon as I'm done and am about to take a seat, he goes "Oh, before you sit down. Go back in there and get something else for me." And I'm like, why didn't you have me get it when I was already in there??? His response."... Slipped my mind. :troll:"

Aside from that, whenever my parents (usually my dad) act like backseat drivers when I have to take them somewhere.

Dad: Did you see what happened on the news today?
Me: *looks at him* No, what?
Dad: Don't look at me, keep your eyes on the road.
Me: You just asked me a question.
Dad: Don't need to look at me to answer it.
Me; Yeah, but..
Dad: Slow down, you're going too fast.
Me: This is the speed limit.
Dad: Would it kill ya to go below the limit? I don't understand why everybody's always in a rush these days.
Me: You wanna drive instead??
Dad: What are you crazy? You know my eyes are bad, by the way watch that red light.
Me: *stops car*
Dad: Boy, you haven't gotten much better at driving have you?
Me: ...

She'll be the first to point out if my top is see-through or if I'm showing too much cleavage, in a room full of people. She draws attention to this and that's what bugs me. I'm a modest person and I'm not a fan of unwanted attention of any kind. Of course she finds it all very hilarious.

But that is hilarious, btw just throwing this out there... Your mom is hot.
Your mom is hot.


Ahem, you guys should totally date. Dad. :troll:
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K so i wes plaeyin countor stryck nd my mim ws al liek HOERS U HAV TO EAT UR HAY nad i was liek "pis off mam i alredy did tehat todey u fruit flavred hore" nd den seh forse fed me hay cus i am hoers an i cannet spek englosh

words words words boring words words words oh look at me type boring words words words words words words I words bet words you're words not words words even words words reading words words words this words words words you words words words fartface words words words words words words words words words

K so i wes plaeyin countor stryck nd my mim ws al liek HOERS U HAV TO EAT UR HAY nad i was liek "pis off mam i alredy did tehat todey u fruit flavred hore" nd den seh forse fed me hay cus i am hoers an i cannet spek englosh

i no wat u means lol ma mam ws al liek who is dis gai and i was liek hes jst sum gai off the intrnat mam nd she ws liek oh well r u shure he rly is who he sez he is nd i wuz liek sure mam wai wud he lie bout bein a pedo lol
K so i wes plaeyin countor stryck nd my mim ws al liek HOERS U HAV TO EAT UR HAY nad i was liek "pis off mam i alredy did tehat todey u fruit flavred hore" nd den seh forse fed me hay cus i am hoers an i cannet spek englosh

i no wat u means lol ma mam ws al liek who is dis gai and i was liek hes jst sum gai off the intrnat mam nd she ws liek oh well r u shure he rly is who he sez he is nd i wuz liek sure mam wai wud he lie bout bein a pedo lol

My dad, barely anything.

My mum, I don't really want to compile a list. Let's just say we have conflicting personalities...
I hate how my parents put a roof over my head.

I hate how my parents supplied me with food, drink and clothing.

I hate how my parents gave me invaluable advice.

Proper knob 'eds.

While I agree with this statement, it's not always worth the **** they put their children through.

On that note, my parents are extremely old fashioned. They still have trouble with the whole gay thing.
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