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Fable criticism & Ideas for IV


New Member
Jun 30, 2012
Fable 1 was one of the best games I had played when it came out, it had that something that most of the games lacked. It was genuinely a good game, I don't even remember having any bugs!
I loved the customization in fable 1 and the fact you could fight with bare hands, it was awesome.
It was a bit too short and rather easy, and when you figured the strength + berserk + multi hit + solus greatsword combination, you were practically invincible. Also, loved the way your alignment affected appearance.

Fable 2, in my opinion, is the best Fable game so far.
It felt like a polished version of Fable 1, and it was exactly that.
I didn't mind that there was no armor. In Fable 1, I used to wear things for the looks, not for the armor rating. The dog was a funny addition, even though, rather useless and annoying (DIG SPOT!).
Menus tended to be a bit laggy, but it's something I can live with when the game is this good.
I never quite got the chain attack thing, I'm not even sure did I ever successfully manage to use it.

Fable 3. I think we all agree that Fable 3 wasn't the strongest game in the series..
As often when there's a new game, it's kinda experimental. If it gets a sequel, the sequel often takes the best things from the first one, as in this case. When games get threequels, developers usually add more stuff to the existing, not rewrite the whole thing, like they did with Fable 3.
I'm not saying Fable 3 was bad, but it could've been so much more if only they didn't change so much, like..

Weapon types,
I thought the whole point of Fable was player's choices. It's not much of a choice if there's only two things to choose from.

I liked the dressing in Fable 2, more customization, the merrier. This was a downgrade back to Fable 1. Dye shade was a good thing, though.

The spells that were in Fable 2 were perfect, there was nothing too much, just the necessities, a little something for everyone. I mostly missed the assassin rush from prior Fables. Spell weaving was a working idea, loved it!

RPG elements,
The leveling system was just horrible, using guild seals to open chests..... ehh...
I loved how it was explained in Fable 2 "You absorb the knowledge and experience from your fallen foes", and now we have guild seals, 'cause everyone just happens to carry them along.

The weapon morphing didn't work that well and I mostly ended up getting that ugly bone handle.
Weapon customization should be free-willed, not determined by play style.
Upgrading the weapons was a good thing, but I still think it would be a better idea to leave that to legendary weapons.
I'm not sure about my opinion about the sanctuary, it kinda works, but it would still need some work to be really practical, like a real-estate table.
When I was playing Fable 2, it was really frustrating buying and changing the rent of houses by foot, they luckily fixed this in Fable 3, but it still missed the precious REPAIR ALL and SET ALL RENTS TO options.
Being the king didn't really affect the gameplay the way I thought it would, a couple of choices and that's about it, yay.

Then for the things they should bring back and add in Fable 4!

  • Weapon types, I think you all agree with this one.
  • Magic; keep the spell weaving but time control and summon should still be spells, not potions.
  • Experience, and the possibility to affect directly what you want to upgrade.
  • Possibility to directly affect weapon's looks
  • Legendary weapons upgradeable via Fable 3 upgrade system.
  • Possibility to choose perks for weapon, and then upgrade them. With some restrictions (can't put three damage perks in one weapon)
  • Heroes Guild, or at least some kind of a community where player would be the leader and you'd have the possibility to affect your subjects and upgrade the base of operation.
  • More marriage options with story related people.
  • Timeline should be somewhere between the first Fable and the Fable 2. Maybe even in the Old Kingdom era.
There's some criticism and ideas for the fourth Fable, can't wait for news about it!
Apologies for the dullness and the mistakes in the text, English isn't my native language :)

Any ideas to add? Opinions about my opinions?
One complaint I would like to note is how they completly mutilated the guild seal in Fable 3. In the previous games it was badass, but in 3 the design barely rates to be on a cookie. In fact, the guild seal in Fable 3 just looks like a bland cheap cookie.

The weapon morphing was a cool idea, but it was done in the worst possible way. The way your weapons morph seems to be set in stone within the first fifteen minuets of gameplay. Also, having all the weapons as legendary means none of them are. They shold have kept the weapon levels the same. Players are supposed to start out with garbage weapons and work their way up, and legendaries should be really hard to get. There is more sence of accomplishment that way.

Also, the magic gloves need to go away. Non-optional clothing that can't be removed? Who the hell approved that?!
One complaint I would like to note is how they completly mutilated the guild seal in Fable 3. In the previous games it was badass, but in 3 the design barely rates to be on a cookie. In fact, the guild seal in Fable 3 just looks like a bland cheap cookie.

The weapon morphing was a cool idea, but it was done in the worst possible way. The way your weapons morph seems to be set in stone within the first fifteen minuets of gameplay. Also, having all the weapons as legendary means none of them are. They shold have kept the weapon levels the same. Players are supposed to start out with garbage weapons and work their way up, and legendaries should be really hard to get. There is more sence of accomplishment that way.

Also, the magic gloves need to go away. Non-optional clothing that can't be removed? Who the hell approved that?!

Yeah, the guild seal didn't look like much..

"Your weapon handle changed appearance for killing hollow men" Hollow men were pretty much the only thing you get to kill before your first melee skill chest, and now were stuck with bone handles, great thinking!

I agree, if there's magic in you, you should be able to train in so it would be of use, not use gloves.
Would be nice to have overcoats and masks back!
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My idea for Fable 4 i have stated many times on this site: I think it should take place some time in the 500 years between F1 and F2, when the guild fell.

That would be nice, but I think it's kind of impossible..
Because the people killed almost all the heroes and destroyed the guild.
I think it's kind of hard to come up with a good story for a hero in a place where everyone wants the hero dead,
whole point of fable has been helping/teasing people. I like the idea but I don't see that happening :c
But I do hope they won't go even further into future.
That would be nice, but I think it's kind of impossible..
Because the people killed almost all the heroes and destroyed the guild.
I think it's kind of hard to come up with a good story for a hero in a place where everyone wants the hero dead,
whole point of fable has been helping/teasing people. I like the idea but I don't see that happening :c
But I do hope they won't go even further into future.
The uprising of people and the fall of the guild took like 50 years, then another 450 for people to forget about the guild/the heroes itself.
Let the game take place with in the 20-30 years when the guild is shunned but not completely hated, you get jobs more 'under the table' and in more sketchy circumstances - thus the good or bad decisions would have more weight.
People have a natural distaste for you so it would be harder to get their approval OR roll with it and be a complete ass hole.
Make the enemy other heroes of the opposing faction.
The uprising of people and the fall of the guild took like 50 years, then another 450 for people to forget about the guild/the heroes itself.
Let the game take place with in the 20-30 years when the guild is shunned but not completely hated, you get jobs more 'under the table' and in more sketchy circumstances - thus the good or bad decisions would have more weight.
People have a natural distaste for you so it would be harder to get their approval OR roll with it and be a complete ass hole.
Make the enemy other heroes of the opposing faction.

That sounds good. Considering how the heroes were said to be arrogant and lazy after the fall of the guild, the player character being one of the last competent ones gives them a choice of whether to further along the guild's demise or try and prevent it, depending on their actions. It would be even better if the enemies were well intentioned extremists, trying to give Heroes respect and power, through violent methods. That way, you'd also have a choice of whether to be loyal to the guild, which is decadent and corrupt but aren't causing widespread destruction, or join the enemy, who are closer to the guilds original values but are going about it in a way that will make people fear them more.
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I've got to say I like the idea of being directly involved in the making, or breaking, of the guild. I liked Fable III but the whole steampunk thing I think is about the end of the line in regards to the story. Anymore and it is too far away from the core of what Fable is. If Lionhead have any sense they will listen to threads like these, as I think the way forward in this franchise is backwards.
Seeing as I am one of the heretical few who actually like the industrial/steampunk setting, I am inclined to disagree with you on the game being set between Fable and Fable II. I'd like to see Albion advance, if not technologically than influentially or politically. A Fable that chronicles a war between Albion and another nation would be an interesting entry, especially if some old mystical threats reemerge.

Other than that, I like your ideas.
In fact, the guild seal in Fable 3 just looks like a bland cheap cookie.
THIS. Wtf is up with the continuity in the Fable games. Seriously, it has some awesome backstory buut it's never expanded on.

I enjoyed Fable 3, maybe moreso than Fable 2. I think the gameplay was awesome, but it was too short and too sporadic. Fable was incredible cause the 'main' plot (to mess JoB up as much as possible) was only found out after the Arena, like halfway into the game. Fable 2 starts and the aim is immediately to mess up Lucien as much as possible, pretty much the same in Fable 3 (the Darkness was genuinely an awesome addition, but there wasn't enough of it.).

If you name a game Fable it should have some kickass story elements to it. Fable 2 and 3 just lacked that in my opinion.
Spells could be better too. Melee combat could be better too. Ranged combat could be harder too.
I agree with the above in regards to combat. I would love to see a hybrid magic system in the next game that builds upon what we saw in Fable II and Fable III with traditional elements from the first game. Of course, combining spells needs to be included as well. As far as ranged and melee combat, I think Lionhead has backed themselves into a corner. I mean, I like how both work currently, but there's not a lot of room to expand if you ask me. Hopefully the devs are a little craftier than I am.
I'm new to the forums. I've been a big fan of Fable since I was introduced to the game by my uncle when I was only about 11 years old. Instantly I fell in love and bought an Xbox to play Fable/TLC. I must have put at least 250 hours into that game. There are a few things I think that truly make Fable/TLC something special and here they are

Hero-Morphing: This, to me, is specifically focused on physical morphs the player can see. I remember being so excited to level up and see my player become a massive hero. It was something that, at the time, no other games had. To this day I haven't played many games that focus on that kind of leveling at all. It's unique and special to this series. I want to become huge if I swing a hammer. I want to become lithe and lean if I use my bow and arrow. I want to become mystical and wise looking if I master Will. Fable, in my opinion NEEDS this feature if it wants to succeed in ever regaining a foothold in the industry.

Evil Vs. Good: This has been an important theme and feature of the game since it was first brought to the stage in 2003. "For every choice, there is a consequence." The player MUST have the option to be the most benevolent and loving hero ever to walk the face of Albion or be the cruelest and most sadistic bastard who slaps babies. This is important to the franchise and cannot be overlooked. Stay true to the motto as well, "For every choice, there is a consequence." This forces replay value and makes the game something special. Choice is always good.

Setting: Fable has always taken place in a whimsical world. It's art direction is wacky and fun and is something you really don't see in many other fantasy games. It's special and needs to be a primary focus of the studio. I want to hear more about Albion and I want the world to be focused on more. It's always been hinted that there is a deep lore associated with Albion but where is it?!? I know the studio has creative people. Would it really be that hard to delve deeper into the story of Albion? What ever happened to the "tales of Albion?" It was on their site for a short period and now has disappeared entirely. Albion has a story, focus on it.

To me, these three features are absolutely necessary to keep this franchise alive. The problem with Fable is it has always attempted to tackle too much. There was a good game in the first, now expand. That's what series do and that is where your money is. Someone needs to seriously sit down and rethink that studio's priorities.

I could go one for another page and a half of features I would like to see and those I hated entirely but I digress and actually need to be headed off soon so I will wait for another day. Needles to say, I love Fable and would love to see the franchise come back into the limelight. It's always received a lot of criticism and I want to see it someday just blow people away. As of now many believe it to be a dead series... I'd like to hope that is not the case. I think it could come back.
Fable 2, in my opinion, is the best Fable game so far.

But seriously, I think they should just get rid of guns. Guns ruin the fantasy aspect of the game for me, and while they certainly work to add to the setting of OTHER games, they do not work for Fable. They also really, really, really, REALLY, need to stop dumbing down the games.
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I find myself hating parts of the new Fable III UI And some parts that I love.
Things that I love:
It's easy. Very easy, designed to be simple as possible.
It's not too hard on the eyes, a 7 year old could understand.
Most of the sanctuary.
Things I hate:
I can't see my health bar, what are those odd red corners in my game?
The design of the guild seal, notice it's bigger then your head, zomg I can fit 300 of those in my pocket!
Every time I see too much industry in Fable III it makes me uneasy, take the lamps in ravenscar keep for example, it gives me a headache, I loved Fable because it was in that time period of the world, and It wasn't some cheesy dungeons and dragons.
I also find alot of things are travelling quest wise in every fable game.
Example, huge fat bandit bosses you fight in fable
Fable 1: TwinBlade
Fable 2: Thag
Fable 3: Saker
Huge Arenas:
Fable 1: Witchwood arena
Fable 2: The Crucible
Fable 3: Reaver's manor
I believe Lionhead has really put fable in a stuck possision, to go forward, you either go to modernizing industry even more, which will tick people off, or you somehow manage to keep the same hero or a new king, either or, what's the point of buying and selling when you're already filthy rich?
I'm also seeing alot less of the old kingdom, which makes sense.. But I miss it, notice all the old temples you see in fable 3 look nothing like the ancient castle gothic arches that used to be in every corner of Albion's landscape.
Gold keys we're ok, Didn't care too much about them.
Notice that the further we get into fable, the less morality signs you see in every hero.
Fable 20 years from now: Some thief with a .44 called a Hero, PSH.

I hope that Fable IV Goes well, but only time will tell.
I agree mostly on what has been said about your ideas; however, I think it would become a much more interesting adventure if Fable 4 were to take place even further into the future. Ide say present day personally, but I am well aware that that is too big of a step. So how about if it were several hundred years forward, mabye even just a few years. I would like it if the hero from fable 3 would STILL be alive, and the hero of Fable 4 were his/her son/daughter. It would definatelly be an interesting twist for me. Another stretch of an idea would be to bring heros from the old story lines INTO the future in some crazy twist...

I do agree stongley that their should be more "power to the player" with customizing your character.

It also bummed me out greatly that you couldnt have realations with main characters of the story. Other RPG's seem to do that just fine and still have a good story line.

It would also be cool if they could bring your profile in from fable 3 and start your story off with where you left off previously. Not neccisserely EXACLY where you left off. More like if you made evil decissions, let them carry off into fable 4. That would of made ALL the fables a great deal different. Exspecialy if you decide to take the sword of eons in fable 1 or put jacks mask on in lost chapters...VERY DIFFERENT!

Everything else, GREAT IDEAS! Keep up the good work.
I'll probably never touch Fable again after 3 but if I wanted a fourth game this what I would want to see.

1: The return of the guild: as people here have said before you should be able to rebuild the guild. Infact I think that should be one of the main keystones of the plot.

2: take the sanctuary concept away please and give us the old item menu, the sanctuary was good idea but in practice it was just bothersome and took me completely out of the immersion, one moment your fighting balverines the next you've teleported somewhere else completely just to fetch a new weapon.

3: more castles, less factories. Bring back the fantasy theme.

4: More clothing options.

5: more options in general.

6: bring the expression wheel back, I shouldn't have to dance passionately with another man just to earn their favour. And no hand holding, that was annoying as hell.

7: No more random crates with nothing inside any of them.

8: Weapons: I don't mind flintlocks, I enjoyed using them in fable 2 but I think there should still be bows/crossbows for those who want them. They should be balanced too so that people might actually want to pick a bow over a gun, e.g. a much faster rate of fire for the bow but lower stopping power in general. Give players the option to use guns or bows, that way everyone's happy.

9: Diverse provinces and communities: each area should have their own identities and customs which in some instances might lead to conflicts\feuds between them. The weapons could factor into this: some communities preferring guns as others prefers bows or maybe a community where using magic over weapons is the norm < this in a funny way could be a reflection of the contrasts of opinions between the fans if you think about it. Each area should be unique and have it's own archetecture style and history in order to keep the game interesting and diverse.

10: Lore, plenty of lore.