Nothing to worry yourself about. From what I've read you're really extending the olive branch here. Just don't get yourself involved in a massive argument, because we've both seen enough of those to know nothing good never ever comes out of them.
Did ya get the youtube-tag to work, by the way? You never replied back! :'(
Yeah, but the problem was always either: (1)The jerks wouldn't stand still enough or were too few to kill, or (2) I'd end up killing half of them with just X before I could press Y.
i'd like you to read every post you have made in maybe the last two weeks that havre been replying to mine, and then honestly, coem back to me if you can justify any of that. And yeah, I will be reporting both of them, because you;'r eout of order.
I'm sure there are appropriate ways of finding this info out but, do you think you could give me a breif description on how to make your user profile look awesome?
Or am I just blind and there's a option somewhere? >.>
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