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  • Sorry steve dont know if you seen the post below because i posted realy fast LOL anyways yeh i have pro 9 :)
    Hey steve i was just wondering how sean has a bold username *grey* i thought that was from getting a contribute userbar or am i mistaken :) also thanks for the bar man i appreciate it.
    Ide go for the crap ;D nah more gaming haha. Then you can talk to me on steam! haha :) Also sony vegas 10 is out? o_O
    Hey there man, would it be too much to ask for a username change? I had my name changed at FableTLCMod and I'd rather my name matched everywhere. Cheers mate.
    well it had been giving me the E-73 for a while, would flash some red lights when i turned it on. that went on for a year though. if i just restarted it 2-3 times it would go away. then we moved and i had it in a place for better ventilation, and the problems stopped

    bout a month later it started freezing spontaneously. a day after that, RRoD. :(
    i was gonna run some repairs myself, but since it's the first instance that it's happened to my machine, microsoft extended the warranty and it'll go for another year once i get it back. after that i'll have to become a trained xbox mechanic :lol:
    But steve i was looking foward to achivment hunting :'( you on steam any time need a good old natter been a while ahah. Also tell Angel i am working on the dragon age thing for her. And steam noaw and and and <3. Nuf said.
    Yeh man im all good. And ill take your old build ;) or a midget title or a hooog ;) haha i cant wait for halo reach i suggest you will be getting gold back so i can do a ledgendary walkthgouth with you to get some gamerscore with you <3
    pretty good man. settling in to a new town atm. working on a drivers liscense at the ripe old age of 20 and without a job (not for lack of trying) :lol:

    things are looking up though! my dear old xbox had it's repairs finished today so i should be getting it back in the next couple of days! :D

    and yourself?
    i hear ya! like i always say: if you can get rid of it easily, it was never contracted to begin with.
    P.S. i wanna thank you for making the trophy post of my profile
    hey projectego ^^/
    i jst signed up,
    and i got question

    i made an animated gif avy in PS , from some 450 x 573 image to 100 X 100 image, but i need it in 25 kb only and to my surprise it went to 79 kb , wt should i do to reduce aits size without affecing its look and dimensions. 0.0

    pls help
    Did anyone ever tell you that you look like the guy that runs projectego.net? I think you do.
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