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  • you don't actually have STDs... do you?
    just wondering of the webmaster is hiding a nasty case of herp.
    it probably would have been better if i kept that question to myself :lol:
    Unfortunately not. but I can get it soon! Sadly, though, between the time I wrote that and now my xbox RRoD'd on me after 5 years of our beautiful relationship. I mailed it in yesterday, so I should have it back in 2-3 weeks. But between now and then I'm sure I could take the time to redownload Steam for when it returns. :D

    2 other questions
    Are you going to be getting Reach?


    I've probably annoyed the hell out of the other staff wondering. None of them really know. Is there a specific equation that determines rep power?
    Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, Rammstein were the headliners along with some good other bands too. Still awesome at their ages i have to say.

    Virgin were fine with me and never had any issues when they fitted mine.
    Just got back from the festival, just doing some catching up on internet **** at min. :lol:

    They are all good thanks, hows things your end?
    heya steve! ya wouldn't happen to want to play some halo 3 with meh wouldja?
    i'd offer a newer multiplayer game but my broke ass started trading in good games shortly after halo 3 stopped being worth a dime :lol:
    Buy me a pc :) hahaha nah im just looking at new news as i said look at the james bond thread theres a new game :O i love it haha :) anyways why id you have to rip it :(
    no problem! out of curiosity, is the assassinscreedx forum somewhat inactive? or does it just get necro'd like crazy? i was poking around since i'm facing a lot of spare time and i noticed some of the threads are from '07 and '08 yet are still close to the top of the list.

    is devil may cry that way too?
    Nice one on getting the dead space forum up and running ide give you like 200 rep but i cant so give it yourself? :) nice job mate thanks for the effort ill do the best i can to add a lot of info when it gets more active and i hope i can help you maintain the site :)
    hey steve! i was poking around the other forums, and when i tried to look at the deadspace one (clicking the forum tab from the main portal) i got this message.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_theme_support() in /home/swep8e9/public_html/forum/my-templates/omni/functions.php on line 405

    just thought i'd run it by you :)

    EDIT: oh! and if it's my browser that's the problem i'm using Firefox version 3.6.6
    Thanks mate you seen about dragon age 2 i posted it looks shweeeet and also i put your website link in my signature :)
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