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  • I've got a question (possibly noobish). Sometimes when I get rep from certain people I get different amounts of points? Is it depending on how many points the rep-ist has?
    Last activity private messaging. What a tank. Hahha anyways hi steve thanks for the rep but the pie is most definitlay a lie. I hope they continoue the cool easter eggs and consle command easter eggs like the cake in portal it was so fun for me trying to find the cake :)
    Of course. I live in Montreal, I have to be fluent to get a job. I despise the language though. I do everything in my power not to have to speak it :p
    Can you help me with something please? :)
    How do I get this:

    <embed swliveconnect="true" allowscriptaccess="samedo main" width="424" height="76" src="http://www.justachieveit.com/justachieveit2.swf?d=Evan +Powned+You%21%21%21&gs=1 00&s=y" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

    as a picture? If you follow this link in it, it brings you here. I've seen people with this in their signatures but I can't figure out what to put in the
    . Thanks
    I was at one point. I fed them without trouble but this one was the devil.
    By the way, I don't much care for squirrels either. I was feeding one a banana and it bit me on the thumb and I had to get checked for rabbies and I had to get a shot. Just thought you should know.
    I tried a long time ago and it didn't work either, and I tried once again today and it did the same thing.
    Thank you soo much! I'll give you rep if it even matters lol you could give yourself all the rep in the world. It's the thought that counts in this case ;)
    Oh wow thank you very much. See I have the 52395 at the end of my username because that's my birthday and it's pretty much what my username is for youtube, google, etc. because it's easy for me to remember. But considering I'm on this site most of the time I'd just like to get rid of the numbers at the end.

    Hope it's not too much trouble :D
    Hello there :) I have a quick question, is it possible to change a username?
    Wanted to bring this to your attention, but it isn't really worth a whole thread. When I go to the "about me" tab in my option and click on the "View this as everyone else" or whatever it is, it just puts me back to the "visitor messages" tab with no changes.
    Hey steve good news my userbar thread is now taking off :) i hope people like my work and i have moenyz for games woooo!
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