Pfft, sleep! I gave up on that when I discovered energy drinks. ;D
Seriously, though. I have to give up caffeine and crap. I feel like my body is deteriorating. >.o
You have no idea how hard I'm resisting some sort of "Asians are good at math"-joke....
I'm just really bad at math, I'm more of an English person. I can read and write like it's nobody's business but I can't do numbers. >.o
Oh and don't get fat when you go to college, fat people are gross. xP
Nah, I'm a cold and winter-y type of person. Me and the sun don't get along, no siree.
Hehe, nah I doubt that. Its just that the eyes of the world is pointed squarely at the States at the moment, so all the other countries gets away with stuff.
All I know is that I'm terrible at math and that I have no idea how I passed all my math classes in high school. xD
College is wonderful, you'll like it a lot. There's so much freedom! ^.^
Well I'm in college so we get out early regardless and the high schools get out a bit earlier as well, I think that the middle schools still have a few weeks to go. I'm guessing that you're in middle school since you're 13.
Well, not so much where I live. I live down south, unfortunately and with-what global warming and such, I rarely see snow nowadays, even around Christmas...
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