I don't believe the two are necessarily hand in hand - I think the one can often impede the other, if I'm honest. It's a common misconception that there are certain rules and regulations surrounding how and when and where you speak with God when actually that's all rubbish - there are no rules, really, just a willingness to take the time to talk and listen. It's not easy, that being said, because even when you do find the time to have a sit down in the peace and quiet to talk to God it often seems that He's not listening or talking back - that's because it's a discipline rather like meditation is a discipline. You don't necessarily get the hang of it straight away but perseverance leads to enlightenment, shall we say. I have spent more time talking than listening and I've been in the God Squad now for a good 22 years - I don't know everything, far from it, but I do know He's real based on what has happened to me over the years. And I've had some blinkin' horrible stuff happen to me so I've got as much reason as the next person to call it all a bunch of crap, I suppose.
The hardest thing is to let go of all the religion that filters through from various sources because that is what will hinder anyone who actually wants to make some headway with getting to know God. When it comes down to it, only you will know in yourself if something "sits right" with you or not - and this is developed over time by shutting the door, ignoring the world and talking with God. Just talking - nothing complex or ritualistic, no special phraseology, nothing fancy.