Re: A Fable story told by me
WOW idk ho long ive been gone but whatever ll exsplane that all later, now i am not going to let this story did i work way to hard to leave it unfinished so starting tomarrow i will start on the continuasion of my story(hopefully with better grammer this time) so i really hope at least one person out there is somewhat excited that im gona finsh so ill prob. post the nect chapter tomarrow. hjope some of you will read.
WOW idk ho long ive been gone but whatever ll exsplane that all later, now i am not going to let this story did i work way to hard to leave it unfinished so starting tomarrow i will start on the continuasion of my story(hopefully with better grammer this time) so i really hope at least one person out there is somewhat excited that im gona finsh so ill prob. post the nect chapter tomarrow. hjope some of you will read.