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Admit it, what parts of the game made you jump? *spoilers*

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I've never been scared in a fable game, but when i played fallout 3 for the first time and wandered into the Dunwich building(infested with ghouls) It was creepy to say the least, especially when you're playing in the dark and don't have your pip-boy light on! :D

I'm with you. The Dunwich building was the most frightened I've been while playing a game in recent memory. The ghastly gurgling sounds as they spot you, the sickly, wet slapping of their running feet as they close on you... and weren't there ghosts too? Not fair!
I'll admit it. The scariest part was having to dirty dance with a woman just to get her to cut me a deal on some celery.

Actually, in all serious..ness...I turned a light on in our living room when I entered the shadelight dungeon. I paused during the cutscene when they are standing at the entrance to the bridge and you see black darkness blowing across it. Pretty creepy. And the shop windows during the battle for bowerstone at th eend was pretty awesome with the skeletons and the darkness becoming different characters.
I jumped (with excitement) when my hero had sex for the first time.
Then I jumped (with confusion) when my loved said my bread was in her oven.
Then I jumped (with furious anger) as I desperately punched her in the gut, only to find that the demon had already been conceived ...
It multiplies faster than I can kill it ... that made me jump :O
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who got freaked right out by the winter lodge! I thought I was just being a baby. I think it was the pleasant anticipation of getting to enter and possibly live in such a warm, Christmas-y house, combined with the sudden flash to a completely cold, dark, dead place that got me. Monsters I can handle, but I've never done well with the dark and supernatural.

Yes! I was thinking 'aww, I'm so going to buy this place and raise a family here, it's just like Christmas time!' then BAM. The noise at the same time, really shocked me to the core.
The only time I jumped was when the Crawler showed up in Walter's face the first time. The second time I was expecting it.
Winter's Lodge definitely made me jump halfway off the couch the first time I went there. I love it when a game does that to me, lol. And I can't say i jumped, but it was a constant deeply-disturbed feeling whenever the Crawler would make a brief appearance in F3. His "tainted broken little toys" speech bothers me... Oh yeah, and back to F2, during the Chesty quest, that creepy little house with the treasure chest in it with all the perfectly-preserved dead people with warped faces; very wrong.

All of these things. Yes. *shiver*
The Winter Lodge was sooo disturbing. Jumped at that, and when Crawly showed his ugly mug for the first time behind Walter. And sometimes the Sand Furies get me.
Didn't jump when the Crawler showed his face for the first time, but I remember my eyes kinda widening in surprise, was expecting something a little more gruesome. Never went into the Winter Lodge demon door in 2 though, I remember reading about it and wish I did just because I want to experience it, lol. I'm a real sissy about screamers and stuff though. However as someone else said, I liked the whole 'intro to Aurora' thing with the darkness and stuff... it kept me pretty disturbed the whole time >.>. Which I proceeded to take out on the shadows, lol.

And Sand Furies, sometimes. When I'm running through the desert, lol. Also did anyone think the part where Walter was possessed by the Creeper was REALLY disturbing/gross? When I watched it for the second time when my friend played through that I shivered... I also thought the Creeper's whole thing he does with Walter before possessing him was disturbing to me too. Walter shoulda decked him in the face. D: But I understand the fear, lol.

Sand Furies are fun to fight with Aurora's Shield though :lol:
Winter Lodge made my heart leap and my eyes bulge out. Things that made me jump in F3....Mmm not much. But I will assure you I hated going to or through Wraithmarsh, and the damn Banshees scared the shiz out of me with their screech. I was hoping to see them again in F3,but I guess not.
Ok im going to go ahead and state that nothing made me jump, in any fable game for that matter, no game really, that i can remember, actually i think i hit tha roof while playing one of the Fear games for the first time, but i admit one think, when the crawler stated that "THE CHILDREN ARE HERE TO PLAY" i had ta turn around and look behind me just to make shore i was still the only one in tha room.
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Ok im going to go ahead and state that nothing made me jump, in any fable game for that matter, no game really, that i can remember, actually i think i hit tha roof while playing one of the Fear games for the first time, but i admit one think, when the crawler stated that "THE CHILDREN ARE HERE TO PLAY" i had ta turn around and look behind me just to make shore i was still the only one in tha room.

Play F.E.A.R. or Doom 3 on your PC late at night with all the lights turned off and a pair of quality headphones that are turned up just loud enough but not so loud that you blow your eardrums. Trust me, you WILL **** your pants at least once.
Winter Lodge made my heart leap and my eyes bulge out. Things that made me jump in F3....Mmm not much. But I will assure you I hated going to or through Wraithmarsh, and the damn Banshees scared the shiz out of me with their screech. I was hoping to see them again in F3,but I guess not.

Hmmm call Me a f*cked up weirdo, but am I one of the only people who felt truely at peace in Wraithmarsh?

It was so quiet and peaceful (apart from the odd Hollowman or Banshee.) I could just meditate there all day. Probably because there was a forest area behind My Dads house that was in some parts resemblant of Wraithmarsh. I had a lot of fun there as a child, even if it did have the story of the fabled 'dark man' who apparently haunted the area. Ahh how I wish I could bathe in it's waters. ^_^
Play F.E.A.R. or Doom 3 on your PC late at night with all the lights turned off and a pair of quality headphones that are turned up just loud enough but not so loud that you blow your eardrums. Trust me, you WILL **** your pants at least once.
Is doom 3 anything like the movie? and i dont play computer games
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