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Annoying things your parents do.

Being responsible is to question whether anything in the household needs to be done, so you check it out and see if you can do that. It's not that hard to notice that the dishes need to be done or that the floor's dirty.

Yeah well I'm not a responsible human being, (name someone who is, it's why we have laws,) never was, I need reminding.

I always wash my own dishes by default anyway, If it's my mess I clean it, if it's someone elses then they need to ask.

Also I pay for about half of my mums gas, electric bills, internet, etc. So don't preach to me about being grateful for free privileges and convinces, I have none.
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Yeah well I'm not a responsible human being, (name someone who is, it's why we have laws,) never was, I need reminding.

I always wash my own dishes by default anyway, If it's my mess I clean it, if it's someone elses then they need to ask.

Also I pay for about half of my mums gas, electric bills, internet, etc. So don't preach to me about being grateful for free privileges and convinces, I have none.
+1 respect. At least better than those spoiled brats I know are out there...
But Uncle Tsuyu watches me sleep!

I'm well aware of what Uncle Tsuyu does to you while you're staying at his house. And it's exactly why I choose it as your punishment each time. So watch your mouth, boy.
Shut the f*** up and deal with your lives, eat your damn poptarts and drink a beer. Settle down and understand that no one is perfect, and probably at least one of your parents didn't entirely 100% want you.

Bit of an over the top reaction there...

Also both me and my sister were planned.



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I hate the term accident. I wasn't planned, but I was wanted. Though I will add that I wasn't much of a surprise, women in my family just need to look at a penis and get pregnant. My mum didn't even get a pregnancy test, she just knew. 9 months later and bippity bobbity boo - I popped out. An unplanned glorious blessing from god. First thing my mum says? "Oh, she has her father's chin." Yeah, thanks, Mum.

My elder brother and sister were unexpected too... but they were twins. And my mother was 19 years old at the time. Man, I'd have loved to have seen my Mum's face when she found out...
My sister wasn't planned (LOLOLOLOL) but I was.

Jessica wasn't planned - who the hell plans to have kids at 18 anyway??

Jake and Josh were planned.

Our house was also planned, presumably, by the architect and builders. Just throwing that out there for no reason whatsoever.
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It's my mother's birthday. Apparently, slavery has been reinstated in just this country, in just my house and just for me.
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My parents sometimes forget to let me out of my cage. It's a bit stuffy in there. Other than that (and everyone forgets sometimeslol.) they're pretty cool I guess.
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