You're looking at a girl who grew up in a real poor household so console games were something of a luxury - only got a PSOne when I was about 14/15 and Crash Bandicoot was unlike any other game I had ever played before (all I knew of consoles was Donkey Kong on my neighbour's SNES and Sonic on the old 16 bit megadrive).
I found the Crash Bandicoot games enjoyable, simple to complete and I liked them a lot. I also love Sims, Heart of China, Golden Sun, Mario Party on the GameCube, the Grinch, Spyro the Dragon, The Curse of Monkey Island, Geordie Racer, Chucky Egg and some games that no longer exist but back in the 80's I was a huge fan...just cannot remember their names. I only got use of a computer coz my dad started an IT business and had to set it up from home first.