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Has there ever been a game you could never beat?


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
As el title says, has there ever been a game or set of games that you simply could not beat? This does not include games that you have given up on due to lack of interest or their apparent "suckiness".

For me, ever since its release in 1995 and still to this day.. I have not been able to beat the game Ristar on my Sega Genesis, that's right, I can't beat Ristar! Go ahead and exert your guffaws, but that game is too damn hard for me. I can only make it as far as the snow/ice stage, and seemingly at that point, the game turns into full-on domination mode. It was only until a few years ago that I had a breakthrough in my progress ... I had finally made it to the 2nd act of that stage. Tears cascaded down my cheeks and I had a time-stopping moment of celebration, for I knew I would never make it any further again.

And I never did, so that's my sad tale. How about you guys?
I still haven't finished FFXIII on my own. 8D I ended up having to watch a Let's Play just so I could get the entire story.
I don't know whether it's because I haven't been alive long enough or what, but I actually own more uncompleted games than complete... I own (for the PS2, I'm a retro gamer, or at least that's my excuse for not having enough money to buy an Xbox) 28 games, only 11 of which I have completed.

(For those unaware, this is an ironic post. Terraria has no end.)

F*** you, electric seaweed.

F*** you!
Interesting thread.

Well, I can't think of a game that I have played, maintained interest in, and haven't beaten. However, there was Dungeon Siege II. When I first got it, I played it through to a certain point and couldn't for the life of me figure out what I was supposed to do, or rather, how. I started the game over a few times, I read walkthroughs and kept trying to figure it out but finally I got frustrated and forgot I had it. Then a couple years ago I picked it up again, played it through and couldn't even remember what my problem was. Even still, I don't know why I had trouble playing through it.

But yea, for several years I couldn't beat DS2.

Ah yes, that reminds me of Dungeon Siege I. I thought I had beaten it, having killed one seemingly major boss thingy, in the depths of the earth, but the game wasn't over. I had some weird object, and I was still wandering around and I had no clue even if I was supposed to do something. Still was an epic game, though. Sad to hear that the new Dungeon Siege III is disappointing.

Furthermore, I haven't completed Metroid Prime 2:Echoes, as a result of 'what-the-heck-am-I-supposed-to-do-?'. After I picked it up after a while (a loooong time), I think I made some progress, but I still didn't get much further. The walkthroughs I then read where pretty vague... So I just watched the intersting things that I didn't get on YouTube (special weapons, new locations, boss battles).
Tiny Wings. I just can't get through the 9th island.

In all seriousness though, I really don't own any games that I haven't beaten. However, there are games that I've had a lot of trouble with on the higher difficulty settings. I played through The Force Unleashed on the highest difficulty setting just for the achievement. It was hard, and I died quite a few times, but I got through it. When I was fighting the second boss though (Kazdan Paratus), I didn't think I would ever get through it. I didn't have many force powers because it was early in the game, and he blocked practically all of my attacks except for lightning, which didn't even do very much damage. I couldn't beat him for three days, and when I finally did, I was yelling "YES! F*CK YOU!" at my TV. That was easily the most difficult part of the game.

I also tried playing through Doom 3 on nightmare mode on my PC. When I realized what it was actually like, I didn't even try to play through it. This difficulty setting makes you automatically lose five health points (out of 100) every 20 or 30 seconds. Even when you're just standing there with no enemies around you, your health gets taken down. It's insane.

That game is so hard. I actually beat it though. Do you remember how far you got?
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i was never able to beat majora's mask back when it first came out. i don't think i ever beat it, to be honest. but i bought a copy on ebay a few days ago, so today or tomorrow it'll be round 2. i just finished beating ocarina of time and it only took me a day or two, so expectations are high. :)

i deemed the final boss of the first ratchet and clank unbeatable... i have doubts that there will be a round 2 for that one... as much as i loved that game. i did beat going commando, which was great. never played any of the further sequels.

never beat FFXIII, got bored and finally quit on the third disc. it was a beautifully made game, but being purely linear was weak. exploration is such a major part of final fantasy and it was cut out completely. i didn't like any of the characters, and the combat system didn't do anything for me. i saw a video showing the horrors of final fantasy online and started to wonder if enix was just going down... like, seriously. watch. aaaaaaaaaaand... watch.
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I have a lot of games, I love, own, repeatedly start playing and then stop....Then my game save gets erased...

that list includes (and you might be suprised):
Chrono Trigger
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver 2
Emperors New Groove
Knights of the Old Republic
Starcraft II (as much as I love it..the zerg ****s hard for me..>.>.....)

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never beat FFXIII, got bored and finally quit on the third disc. it was a beautifully made game, but being purely linear was weak. exploration is such a major part of final fantasy and it was cut out completely. i didn't like any of the characters, and the combat system didn't do anything for me.

Same. And the exact same reason why I never completed it. Also because the constant battles really annoyed me this time round - and they never really did in past titles. Mostly because I'd be thinking "Yay, after this couple of battles I'll be able to see that new village." Or whatever. Didn't have that this time. Nothing was really pushing me forward, not even the story itself, so I gave up.

Games I couldn't beat because they were too difficult? Hmm. I had to really think about this. Usually I don't complete games because I simply get bored. But for a while I had a problem getting passed the last fight on FFIX, but a couple of years later I did it. And I had a serious problem when I was younger with completing the two Legend of Zelda games on the N64, but when I got older I did them again and completed them both.

Oh. Pokemon Stadium on the N64, couldn't get passed one of the gym leaders in the Gym Leader Castle. Really frustrated me, so I gave up.
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never beat FFXIII, got bored and finally quit on the third disc. it was a beautifully made game, but being purely linear was weak. exploration is such a major part of final fantasy and it was cut out completely. i didn't like any of the characters, and the combat system didn't do anything for me. i saw a video showing the horrors of final fantasy online and started to wonder if enix was just going down... like, seriously. watch. aaaaaaaaaaand... watch.
Same. And the exact same reason why I never completed it. Also because the constant battles really annoyed me this time round - and they never really did in past titles. Mostly because I'd be thinking "Yay, after this couple of battles I'll be able to see that new village." Or whatever. Didn't have that this time. Nothing was really pushing me forward, not even the story itself, so I gave up.

Same here, there's just not much to do in the game except the same thing over and over again.. So I threw it back onto the shelf.

But Cheez, you didn't even like Sazh? I thought he was great, for one he actually had common sense.