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Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

You misunderstand, I am not interested in entering at all - I have never posted my work in terms of poetry or writing simply because I'm not very good at it. I just wanted to point out that it may be a reason for people not entering.

I was also giving you pointers on how to run a proper competition, but seeing as everything is already so organised and well-thought out it seems you don't need any advice from anyone.

You should think things through before you post, you could lose respect.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Lose respect?
I've never got any on here as far as i can tell so its not going to make a diffrence to anything mk?
Proper competition? Are you saying that this isn't one? I don't think you understand anything that I'm doing because you assume i don't know what I'm doing.

if your not interest please do not post in this thread, thanks.

Now everyone else who actually is going to be in it, can you please all message me when there going to be ready with there poems and all that detail.
Im actually going to cut the time short slightly, so anyone else who is reading this and wants to be in it please message me or leave a message for me in this thread.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Guys, could you do me a favour and shut the hell up?

This is just a bit of fun, just because you, Droded, have a full fledged competition, it doesn't mean anyone who doesn't put in as much effort as you is doing a bad job. I respect you and your competition, but don't undermine other people because yours is better.

It's not an ohsosrs competition, it's a laid back bit of fun and an oppertunity to show off some of your artwork.

Now push off.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Now onto other matters as i said in my other edit in my last post..

I know i already said it but i would rather say it in a whole new post.

So im going to cut the time short abit, and i am requesting that people tell me when they know that there poems will be ready for the competition. I know its probably a bad idea if i cut the time short but if you want to get in now if you already arent then i surgest you get a move on, not to nag or anything i just want to get this under way.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

umm.. One poem.
No one than one :l

Sorry about that but it would be unfair to other poeple if you did 3 and yeah.

Sorry if that bothers you.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

^Nah it be k. I will post 1:

Hating everything about you,
In the mirror, in public,
What should I do to you?
Nothing as usual.

I hate the way you look,
It makes me ill,
Confidence that you took,
Just let me walk away as you stay still.

I keeping coming back to the same old habit,
The habit I hate more than you,
Having to look at you every ****ing day,
I hate it.

I hate you more than you know,
I should cut with a razor,
Giving more pleasure than you'd know,
And thats the last thing I want to do.

(Copied from my facebook blog)
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Can I make a suggestion? Maybe you could post everyone's work in a new thread, and people could vote on which one they like the best. The one who gets the most votes wins. Whatever way you decide to do it, I'll be sending you my story shortly.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

You know what?
The whole things off.
Nope i've had enough of trying to keep things in order.

Im sorry if this annoys you but i've had enough of people not listening.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

DarkenedSoul;337324 said:
Guys, could you do me a favour and shut the hell up?

This is just a bit of fun, just because you, Droded, have a full fledged competition, it doesn't mean anyone who doesn't put in as much effort as you is doing a bad job. I respect you and your competition, but don't undermine other people because yours is better.

It's not an ohsosrs competition, it's a laid back bit of fun and an oppertunity to show off some of your artwork.

Now push off.

You Sir are full of win, I couldn't agree more.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Don't have a self-obsessed tantrum on the forums. Droded is right, if you want to run a competition then it needs to have essence. He was just trying to help you because he has experience in running tournaments. Is that a crime? No.

You all need to stop forming little groups and defending each other even when you are clearly wrong. I swear, the forums are being run down by this kind of immature crap and it is just plain boring now.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

You sir, need to shut your mouth.
You infact can not even read and comply with proper rules like i set out.


And you did.
Get off your high horse.

Maybe im not perfect but i dont need stuck up people trying to inform me how to run a competition, and in the fact of little groups then your wrong if your calling me and darkenedsoul a group as such then you need to go and defy the term group.

Hes my friend, and whats his name didnt exactly need to be stuck up and certainly didnt need to tell me how to do things.

And if you have a problem then i surgest you don't post on a thread that had basicly ended. If you want to talk to me about this then you can message me instead of having a cry so everyone can see it and comment on it.

So thank you i would prefer that you constridcted yourself in the manner of groups when your sticking up for him also.

Now if you wouldnt mind, stop posting on my thread when its ended. Thank you.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

I didn't post any poems in this thread. You, Zencidal and Darkenedsoul. That is a trio, more commonly known as a group. I'm not stuck up, I just know what I'm talking about. Don't post unless you know what you're talking about, Vero.

I didn't cry mate, it's far from crying. I was trying to cull people having panic attacks on forums with that one post so it had to be admirable. The fact that it is in a poetic thread should make you feel good inside.

It hasn't ended til the thin viking sings.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

You talk some rubbish dont you?

"that should make you feel good inside"

Oh yep, i made this thread so people can enter the competition which isnt on now because of peoples ploblems about it. If you want a Poetry thread then you make one.

Good day sir.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Shirosaki;338092 said:
I didn't post any poems in this thread. You, Zencidal and Darkenedsoul. That is a trio, more commonly known as a group. I'm not stuck up, I just know what I'm talking about. Don't post unless you know what you're talking about, Vero.

I didn't cry mate, it's far from crying. I was trying to cull people having panic attacks on forums with that one post so it had to be admirable. The fact that it is in a poetic thread should make you feel good inside.

It hasn't ended til the thin viking sings.

Woah, just because I made one little smart comment that I shouldn't have on here and that I should have been more mature about it, doesn't mean that all of a sudden we are a little group. it wasn't even ment to be serious. of course I think that droded is since he has a full fledged competition going that his opinion is a good one, but he could have said it in a different way so someone wouldn't get offended. Now Shirosaki, please calm down and don't categorize me in any group. I'm not interested in starting any problem with you because it wont have a point and it would just lead up to flame. So I hope you have a awesome day.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Zencidal;338275 said:
Woah, just because I made one little smart comment that I shouldn't have on here and that I should have been more mature about it, doesn't mean that all of a sudden we are a little group. it wasn't even ment to be serious. of course I think that droded is since he has a full fledged competition going that his opinion is a good one, but he could have said it in a different way so someone wouldn't get offended. Now Shirosaki, please calm down and don't categorize me in any group. I'm not interested in starting any problem with you because it wont have a point and it would just lead up to flame. So I hope you have a awesome day.
I only skimmed that post so I doubt I'll address all of your points but I wasn't applying my posts to you, I was simply saying that you agreed with DarkenedSoul which technically made it a trio.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

Maybe What I said was misleading but.

DarkenedSoul;337324 said:
Guys, could you do me a favour and shut the hell up?

This is just a bit of fun, just because you, Droded, have a full fledged competition, it doesn't mean anyone who doesn't put in as much effort as you is doing a bad job. I respect you and your competition, but don't undermine other people because yours is better.

It's not an ohsosrs competition, it's a laid back bit of fun and an oppertunity to show off some of your artwork.

Now push off.

Is really the main part I agreed with and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I'm just leaving it at that.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

I do have to say, Verocastro is freaking out quite a bit, and getting overly defensive.

And what do you mean, you don't need advice? Then you'll just keep making the same mistakes.


Vero Caerso;338059 said:
You sir, need to shut your mouth.

Quite uncalled for, eh?

Vero Caerso;338059 said:
1. You sir, need to shut your mouth.
You infact can not even read and comply with proper rules like i set out.


And you did.
Get off your high horse.
And you did.
Get off your high horse.

2. Maybe im not perfect but i dont need stuck up people trying to inform me how to run a competition, and in the fact of little groups then your wrong if

3. your calling me and darkenedsoul a group as such then you need to go and defy the term group.

1. Charlie and Droded are both giving you advice, and you're retaliating like they're making fun of you and have punched your grandmother.

2. Sure, no one's perfect, then with the insults again.

3. Group - any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
Pretty sure that you, Zencidal, and Darkened Soul are all poets, so you are a group of poets.
Re: Here we go, first time ever.. i think.

The point of this thread was FOR poets to be able to do some poetry and share it with the forums but considering no one gives a damn what i have to say i shut it off,
So i dont understand why your still posting here.