I honestly don't know. I just took the time to do my own research on things, look more into MY opinions, not what I was constantly taught and presented as a kid. I realized life is life, everyone should live it the way THEY want to. As long as nobody is getting emotionally or physically harmed, I don't have a problem with how a person lives their life. I may not personally agree with their opinions whether it's religious, political or sexual but who cares? I don't need to take time out of my day or theirs shoving my opinions in their face rudely. And everyone deserves to live the life they want to live. I think it's safe to say my views on the Iraq War, Afghanistan War and well... the Libyan War have dramatically changed. When I actually took the time to sit back and look at how I was acting, then did my own research and asked questions and such, I realized the way I was acting about everything was totally dickish.
I believe the quote is something like this... "I don't understand why one people would travel thousands of miles across the ocean, at all that cost and risk, to go kill another people because they will not lay down their lives, fortunes and culture at their feet." - Captain in the Colonial Army overlooking hundreds of British Ships entering the Harbor to attack Manhattan. I couldn't help but think to myself, this is probably the same thing those Iraqis thought when they heard the bombs, saw the humvees and tanks attacking their cities. What's the point of all this? Sure, if there are terrorists, let's go get them! But bombing an entire country and having such ignorance against their religion. Because of the action of a few radicals, the entire Muslim religion is practically denounced in this country. If it's going to be like that, I may as well call all Catholics pedophiles because of the action of those few who are. It's disgusting, all that hate and killing for nothing.
I felt this way for a lot of things I had opinions on. The same thing goes with the sexuality. Why the f*** should I hate on Tyloric and say such stupid s*** and cruel comments just because -I- don't agree with it? Tyloric could be a cool guy and I didn't even take the time to look at that aspect, I just looked at that one and hated. And when I look back at that, it's pretty lame that I did that. And Tyloric if you read this, bro, I really am sorry for the childish and ignorant stuff I said to you man, same goes to anyone else I offended.