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Is This Actually Disgusting?


Sheeple President
Alright, so basically awhile ago me and my family were having a discussion about older men having relationship with 15 to 16 year olds and how it is "absolutely disgusting" and "men who do this should be castrated" and all that, but I hadn't really thought of it before. So as we were going on about it, I started to realize I have no problem with this. If both people are attracted to each other, what is wrong? Why is 18 the "go ahead" for this? But is this just me? Am I the creepy one who thinks this is totally fine as long as both people in the relationship are all good with it? Or is this just some stupid moral? How can you not be attracted to someone that age?

So all in all, do you guys think it is alright to have sex with someone underage, but they are still sexually... interested? I don't know, sexually active? It's late and I can't really find anything to describe it better.
I'd say the rule of thumb should be "if they're old enough to be your parent, don't go there." With the obvious exception of teenagers.

I say for a teenager (pre-18) they should date 2- and 2+ their age at maximum, but when they get to 18 they can do whatever they want of course in terms of upper limits, but I'd use my rule of thumb.

You're not disgusting, I agree with you to an extent.
The age of consent in Sweden is 15, and I'm confident that a 15 years old girl can make her own decisions in this case.

I still find it quite disgusting though, I should be boning that girl!
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No big deal to me, if she's okay with it then it's her decision.

Funny how if the underage was a dude and the 'predator' was a woman nobody would make a big deal over it, yet if the scenario is flipped then the guy apparently deserves to be "castrated in hell" according to the knuckleheads who make up the largest proportion of society.

So no I don't have a problem with it, if any moral high-horsers here want to crucify me for that go right ahead and try. You'd only be making yourself look like a prat at the end of the day.
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There was this case where a female teacher "seduced" (as if she needed to!) a kid in high school (lucky bastard!)* in the US. South Park did an episode about it, it was pretty big news at the time and it really exposed the hypocrisy around the issue.

*There were some teachers at my school I'd give an arm and a leg to doink when I had my hormones raging and all that.
Nope, I don't find it disgusting. Yes, if they love eachother, don't hold them back.

Now pedophilia, that's a social taboo. Though, the act of 'loving' children should be the taboo, as being a pedophile is not something someone chooses. It's just the brain developing differently. The people themselves aren't necessarily evil. =|

Though, on the original topic, I think it's fine if the younger person has a well-developed mind and doesn't just do it for the attention. Because, well, it happens.
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The fact is, and it's bit of a lame explanation but valid all the less, is that a teenagers emotions simply can't be trusted all the time. This 'attraction' or 'love' they might feel could very well be the result of their bodies just being horny all the time. A 15 year old simply isn't emotionally mature enough to make these sorts of decisions, in my opinion.

And let's not even start talking about the yet-to-be-completely developed brains.
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To be honest I agree.... as long as both parties are fine, there shouldn't be a problem.


Until they're 18, the parents still have a say in what happens with their life. So they might not be happy with an 80 year old guy after their 15 year old, even if said 15 loves the old guy.
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No, it's not wrong if it's consensual. Society tells us that it's disgusting, but why is it disgusting? Ask yourself these questions and think for yourself. Age of consent is bullshit too. Why is it wrong to have sex with a 16 year old after you've become a legal adult? It's not.

Don't follow laws and social norms like these. They're ridiculous.
As long as their is love go for it, the only (human) love I a cannot condone is love towards a prepubescent or to a relative closer than 2nd cousin. Sure a teen can't tell the difference between attraction or love, but really that stays through every age of your life, and love is just strong affection really.
It's just the law trying to err on the side of caution. The idea is that children don't know what's good for them. It's easy for older people to manipulate the emotions that teenagers feel going through puberty, so even if they say it's consensual, it's not really because it's an unequal relationship.
But just because the age of consent is lower over here in Sweden doesn't mean that other laws regarding sexual abuse such as rape don't apply; quite the opposite. They are still protected by law. Also, a 15 year old is hardly a child.

The main reason the age of consent is lower is so that we don't have to send a 18 years old to prison for having sex with a 15 years old; I've read articles about that happening in the States. My dad is 4 years older than my mom and they started seeing each other when he was 20 and she was 16.
i don't know about attraction, but let me tell you a story about my friend who we'll call "guido".

Guido's dad is rich. insanely rich. he lives in the same area of pennsylvania as M. Knight Shyamalan. He's also approaching 80 years old. Guido's mom is smoking hot, in her 30's, and unemployed. Guido's dad, as insanely rich as he is, is fast approaching the average age of death for men in the United States. in a few years, he'll pass away and Guido's mom will recieve all of his royalties.

love? it has nothing to do with it. Guido's dad wanted some hot ass before he croaked and Guido's mom was willing to give it to him in exchange for never working a day again in her life. in this case, i would call it a business transaction more than anything. Guido would want to hit me until i remind him that when his mom croaks he's the one who'll never have to work a day in his life.

now, Guido's mom was in her early 20's when they got married, and Guido's dad was in his mid 60's. Who are we to say that his old man can't want to relive the glory days in exchange for all the money he's saved up over his life going to someone other than his family?

judge them how you like, but that sounds like a fantastic deal for her and an understandable desire from him. it's not like once you become old all old people start looking sexy. in fact, i think lemonparty.org is disturbing regardless of how old you are.
No, it's not wrong if it's consensual. Society tells us that it's disgusting, but why is it disgusting? Ask yourself these questions and think for yourself. Age of consent is bullshit too. Why is it wrong to have sex with a 16 year old after you've become a legal adult? It's not.

Don't follow laws and social norms like these. They're ridiculous.

Luckily for us... the age of consent is 16... so... :D

In fairness, the age of consent may be in place to avoid teenage pregnancies.