So I just joined there and I must say, I'm impressed at the interactivity of this site. I recommend it.
Share your Last.FM users here. If you don't have one, sign up and download the Scrobbler. It automatically imports the libraru from your WMP, Winamp, iTunes, or most other media player librarys, it automatically says what you're listening to on your page in an instant, it's pretty cool.
So yeah sign up if you havn't, share your Last.FM here.
Also, discuss musical tastes with other members here.
So I just joined there and I must say, I'm impressed at the interactivity of this site. I recommend it.
Share your Last.FM users here. If you don't have one, sign up and download the Scrobbler. It automatically imports the libraru from your WMP, Winamp, iTunes, or most other media player librarys, it automatically says what you're listening to on your page in an instant, it's pretty cool.
So yeah sign up if you havn't, share your Last.FM here.
Also, discuss musical tastes with other members here.