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Legal Assisted Suicide

Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

jwc2200;327592 said:
If you want more info on the subject of suicide, let me know and I will email you what I have put together.

That sounds disturbingly much like an invitation to some sort of pseudo-suicide pact...
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Tsuyu;327599 said:
That sounds disturbingly much like an invitation to some sort of pseudo-suicide pact...

No. I just want to offer info on the subject that is not fanatical and untrue. I sincerely hope and pray that she finds peace and a desire to live.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Oh dear....

I wish I had something meaningful to say, but I don't. Iv dealt with feeling of suicide, but only very minor.

But as far as the question of having legal assisted suicide, I beleive that people should have that right. I dont think people should kill themselves at all, but its their choice, not mine.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Gunman23;327525 said:
What exactly is "assisted suicide"? (I can smell the JohnDoe creeping up on me for not being emo enough to know what it is)

Anyhow, good luck trying to sort things out.

Gunman23;327530 said:
Again, killing yourself = cutting your veins open = emo

Dude, you are such a tool. If you weren't so stupid and ignorant, it might be worth explaining how you've erred, but as it is... No.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

hey man, thats some deep **** you've been through. i'd rather not give you advice directly so i guess i'll just turn to my opinion on euthanasia as everyone else seems to be doing.

Euthanasia is a good idea only when your life is confined to life support and/or bed rest permanently. Though not always necessary it can easily stop someone in pain, physical pain that is. emotional pain on the other hand, no matter how severe, can be treated with steady counseling and possibly the right medication. If someone were to choose assisted suicide as a means to deal with emotional trauma, i don't see how it is different from plain old suicide.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Arseface;327519 said:
Good luck to you however it pans out , but I seriously hope you can overcome those feelings (you've probably heard that heaps before).

Two of my uncles have effectively suicided. One jumped in front of a train, and one refused treatment for a kidney disorder.

If you still have hope, then persue that option before anything else. I personally think (as if you care what I think) that suicide is fine if you've exhausted every option and you still feel that way.

DarkenedSoul;327536 said:
You are unbelievably stupid and ignorant. Most assisted suicides (euthanasia) is done by feeding the body with poison. Bleeding doesn't equal emo. Emo is a fashion trend.

I'm for it. It is your life, and it should be your choice. I too have been through childhood abuse, but I'd never consider death because of it. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a horrifying experience Tillyferarri, I couldn't imagine how bad it must have been for you. I was hit and beaten up regularly, but I was never sexually abused. I couldn't imagine how bad that must have been. But I honestly don't reccommend you end your life, I mean, you can't be very old yet. After this point, you'll be free. How old are you exactly?

But again, I don't know what you're going through in your head, so I really can't give you advice. I wish I could though...

EDIT: Oh, you're 22. Thats a little different then... Damn, I wish I could help you, but I'm just some guy on the internet. I hope you do what you think is right though, somehow.

Thank You Both for your Comments; and for Sharing your Personal Experience; neither are you are just people on the Internet as I have followed your Posts on this Forum and feel that I have a Very Small amount of Knowledge regarding your Personalities; and I am Grateful that you have Posted in a Positive way; and tried to help me; Thank You;

I can understand the desire to just stop living. I struggle almost every day with that. Personally I can not do it at this point, but the day may come when I will. I wish you the best of luck in getting help. I know from experience that getting help is not just 'seeing' a professional therapist, but actually being able to make that therapist understand your problem and be able to help with it. Some professionals, not all, only know what they learned in school and can not help, they will try to make you fit into one of their categories so they know which drugs to give you, and that may not be the help you need.

If suicide is the only way for you, don't get caught up in the myth of 'suicide=hell', that is not the truth.
Here are my views, from my own research(not the myth that is perpetuated by people who are ignorant of the facts), on this subject from a previous thread.

If you want more info on the subject of suicide, let me know and I will email you what I have put together.

Thank You jwc; you are Very Kind; I didn't realise you are Disabled; as I am; and I Feel for your Circumstances; but Admire your Strength of Will; I will contact you
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Assisted suicide is legalised in the netherlands but the christians want to forbid it because it isnt what god wants but i think anybody should have the choice (When they are very sick) to get an assisted suicide there's nothing bad about it.

Holy Jesus Christ monkey balls.
How do you not know what assisted suicide is? IT'S TWO WORDS.
Assist/ed - Help from someone.
Suicide - Killing self.

Someone helping you kill yourself.

If you don't know those two words, and you're thirteen, good luck working at Mc Donalds.

I work at Mc Donalds :( but i do know what assisted suicide is
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Dentie;327683 said:
Assisted suicide is legalised in the netherlands but the christians want to forbid it because it isnt what god wants but i think anybody should have the choice (When they are very sick) to get an assisted suicide there's nothing bad about it.

Christians are crazy
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Dentie;327687 said:
^ What he said

they are also are forbidding abortion here right now

Oh boy, you guys will have to back to the old punch in the stomach method
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Tsuyu;327510 said:
Wall of Text critically you for 10000 damage.

I'm sure this is a discussion-worthy topic, but my eyes just can't stand reading that, with all the medical names and ';'s.

Tsuyu;327520 said:
You won't get assisted suicide for being depressed, anyhow.

Tsuyu;327533 said:
Again; assisted suicide is not having somebody cut your wrist. It is, for example, turning off the respirator for someone who is terminally ill and will never ever awake.

Tsuyu;327542 said:
Nobody is going to assist you in killing yourself out of depression, period. That's because when you are depressed you are considered to not be of sound mind and as such not in a position to make any serious decisions, because you would never do that if you weren't depressed. Instead you're better of treating the depression.

Euthanasia is never considered unless you're terminally and incurably ill.

Tsuyu;327599 said:
That sounds disturbingly much like an invitation to some sort of pseudo-suicide pact...

I am Appalled and Disturbed that a person of your Authority; given to you by the Owners of this Forum; could Respond in such an Ignorant and Belitteling Manner;
I have Underlined your First Post basically to Reiterate that your further Responses were made without Full Knowlege of the Content of my Post;
I don't have 'Depression' as you describe it; I have Leukemia; which is Cancer of the Blood; if you were Unaware of this; and I Suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder; which is Described on WIKI as such;

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV Personality Disorders that describes a prolonged disturbance of personality function characterized by depth and variability of moods. The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; "black and white" thinking, or "splitting"; chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation. These disturbances can have a pervasive negative impact on many or all of the psychosocial facets of life. This includes difficulties maintaining relationships in work, home and social settings. Attempted suicide and completed suicide are possible outcomes, especially without proper care and effective therapy.

This is Hardly Depression; which seems to be in your Opinion a 'Throwaway' Condition such as the Common Cold;
I would also like to say that I can travel to Switzerland; and if I have the Money Available and I can Engage in 'Assisted Suicide' with a Qualified Doctor; with No Recompense to Him or I;
If you wish to Ban me for my Reasonable and Unthreatening Reply to your Post; then that is up to you; but I will Appeal; with what I Consider to be Sound Mitigating Circumstances
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

All that for my Wall of Text comment?


As for depression;

  • It is not a "throwaway" condition. I merely explained that up here in Sweden it works like that. Whenever you're suffering from some sort of mental 'illeness' that affects your judgment you're not considered to be of sound mind and not allowed to make choices like that.
  • I didn't mean to say that you're depressed, I merely' used it because that's what most people associate and can most easily recognize, so its ideal for me to get my point across - since my above statement applies to most mental conditions.
  • If your various other illnesses makes you consider assisted suicide, or even thinking about suicide, I'd say that you are indeed most depressed.
Also, why would I ban you?! I thought we had the "fascist moderators and admin"-phase cleared up a few months ago... And with all due respect - your posts are a gargled mess.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

How would a doctor assess someone for assisted suicide anyway? How would they go about determining whether a person is of sound mind enough to make such a massive and permanent decision? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely curious as to the criteria...I sure as hell wouldn't want that responsibility.

My personal views on the subject won't be posted as they serve no purpose towards the discussion and having never been through the sorts of things you have it would most likely be insensitive of me to offer an opinion either way. However, is it possible that the personality disorder you have been diagnosed with is adding to the feelings of wanting assisted suicide? I am not familiar with that particular disorder but would it have an effect on how you deal with the things that have happened to you and your current health situation - based on what I can glean from the quoted bit of article? Because if that is the case, I am hoping the group you are going to be taking part in will help perhaps work through some of the issues in a an appropriate manner so that you have the ability to make a more informed decision about your future and whether assisted suicide really is the best option for you or not.

Behaviour group therapy is not for everyone but if it can help you, then stick it out for the duration before making any major choices. One of my family members attends a particular mental health group for personality disorders which requires you to be off all medications in order to learn how to live an independent and sociable life without drugs to help you cope - she's doing much better for it and is off all medication for the first time in years, so try the group and see if it makes a positive difference for you. Might get a bit worse before it gets better but still worth it if it can make you feel less inclined towards assisted suicide as the only answer to how you feel.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

Thank You Tsuyu for your Comments;
And Thank You Angel for yours;
It is Very Likely that my Mental Condition Precludes me towards thoughts of 'Assisted Suicide'; and I Hope; as you say; that the Mental Health Group I will be attending from August 20th onwards will Help me find Hope in my Life; and Provide me with some Skills on how I can find Pleasure rather than Pain in my Daily Life;
I Apologise if I have Upset anyone within this Thread; and feel that my Mental Condition is not much Help when Discussing Serious Issues;
I Thank Everyone for their Contributions
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

We all know the tearm, you are what you eat. What many don't know that in theory, you are what you feel.

The human brain is a fantastic machine. We've all heard of widows dying of a simple cold and mothers with inoperal cancer been giving a 2 year death sentence and dying 10 years later when their children are in good hands

I'm not saying that all you need to do to get better is think happy thoughts, but it could help your recovery. Every person at some point of their life fall down, some holes are bigger than others and sometimes we need a little help getting up. Let your support group help you up.
Re: Legal Assisted Suicide

I don't want anyone commiting suicide, or getting assisted suicide, but just cause I don't want it, doesn't mean i'll stop them.Tilly, you've been through things that would have snapped a normal person into millions of pieces, you're too strong to commit suicide of any kind.Of course, if you want to I won't stop you, I don't rule over you, or anyone else (except a small island off the coast of dosntrllyexist), but, like I said.I think you're way to strong-willed to do that.Good luck with your life...I wish I could do more than sit here and type, but I wouldn't even know where to start.